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"Alright, Karlof! It's time to get all your stuff for the academy!" Iroh smiled as they entered Ninjago city.

Karlof had lived with his sister and uncle for two weeks now and he was going to go to the academy in a few days.

Karlof looked around confused, he had been in the city one time on a vacation with his moms and there wasn't anything power or elemental-related.

"You'll see!" Iroh chuckled and walked up to a brick wall in an empty alley. "Make sure no one else looks!"

He knocked on the wall in some rhythm and a passage opened in the wall.

"What is this?" Karlof asked as they walked through the passage.

"This is the Diagon alley! Hidden in Ninjago city for elementals to shop in!"

"So.. where do we start?" Karlof asked looking at the list in the letter.

"We'll start with your gi!"

As they entered a shop Karlof saw a tailor talking with a woman and a boy around his age.

"Mako Beifong!" the tailor smiled and looked at him.

Karlof blinked at his birth name, Iroh had told him he was kinda famous in the elemental world for surviving Chen's attack but it felt weird that everyone saw him as some sort of hero.

"Ehrm... you can just call me Karlof!" he answered as the other people walked out.

"Just stand up here and I'll start measuring what size you'll need for your gi! Your element is metal right?"

"Uhm... yeah?"

"Okay, then I'll measure you and start working on you gi! It should take around... two hours!"

"Good! Then we can get all your books while we wait!" Iroh smiled.

When the tailor was done measuring him Karlof and Iroh walked into a book store to get his books. But the people in the bookstore also knew who Karlof was and they couldn't stop looking at his hand which was very awkward for him. But they got all the books and there was 50% off of on cauldrons so Iroh used some of the other money to buy Karlof some warm ice cream... which was apparently just as normal as cold for elementals.

"This is weird..." Karlof mumbled as he licked the ice cream.

"Yeah, but it's good with some change of temperature!" Iroh laughed. "You can eat ice cream the whole year round without getting too hot or cold!"

"That's cool! Do you think my gi's done?"

"Almost! I think we have time to buy a weapon for you!"

"Okay!" Karlof smiled and followed his uncle into another store.

"Ah, Mr. Beifong, I see your nephew is here for his weapon to use at the academy?" The man at the desk smiled.

"Yes, do you think you can find a suitable one for him?"

"Hmm... tell me young man, are you left or right-handed?"

Karlof frowned at the question since was that he was double-handed.

"U-Uhm... both?"

"Hmmm... if it's like that then..."

The man handed Karlof a pair of katanas.

"Uhm... is something supposed to happen?" Karlof frowned.

"Okay not them..." the man took the katanas from him and handed him a pair of daggers.

Once again nothing happened.

They began trying many different weapons and Karlof was starting to think that this wasn't something he was meant for after all.

"Hmm...... tricky case..." the man grumbled and handed Karlof a pair of metal gauntlets.

"I usually don't give these kinda weapons to customers since you have to buy new ones when you grow out of the ones you have but we'll see how it goes!"

Karlof put the gauntlets on and smashed his fists against each other. Feeling his whole body becoming stronger and when he looked down he saw that his clothes had turned to metal.

"Well well!" the man laughed. "It seems we've found the right one!"

"I'll make sure you get new ones when you need them!" Iroh smiled and quickly paid the man. "You see, every weapon chooses its master! And those metal gauntlets have chosen you!"

Karlof smiled a little as they walked out of the store to get his gi.

"After this, we're done?" he asked as his uncle paid for the gi.

"Yes, but first I need to go to your parents' old vault so you have some money to buy food for on the train!"

"Really? My parents had a vault?"

"Yes! We just need to stop by at the bank!"

As they entered the building Karlof saw another boy around his age standing at the desk with his parents.

"That boy is Neuro Pathis!" Iroh smiled. "A future mind master!"

"Will he be one of my classmates?"

"Yes, his older brother graduated last year!"

"Mr. Beifong? I guess you're here to check your brother's vault?"

"Yes, my nephew needs some money on the train!"

"Follow me!"

Karlof and Iroh followed the woman through a hall filled with doors to different vaults.

"Do all elementals store their money here?"

"No no no!" Iroh laughed. "But there are many family vaults here! Including your parents'!"

When they entered the vault Karlof eyes widened at all the heaps of coins lying around.

Iroh swiftly took up a handful of coins before putting them into a small pouch before sealing it with a knot.

"Here! That will be enough!"

"So can we go home now? We've been in this alley for..." Karlof looked at his hand watch. "five hours!"

"Alright! you need to start packing anyway! You'll be at the academy for a whole year if you don't want to go home for Christmas!"

"Well... I might go home! I'll miss my parents a lot! And I'll miss you and my sister too!"

"We'll miss you too Karlof! But next year you and your sister will have each other's company! Well... except for your classes!"

"Okay, uncle!" Karlof smiled and followed his uncle out of the alley.

"Let's head home now!"

The masters who lived (Ninjago and Harry Potter crossover)Where stories live. Discover now