The story

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"AZULA! GET THE KIDS UPSTAIRS NOW!" Ozai yelled as the door blasted open.

Azula nodded at her husband and quickly grabbed her newborn daughter and her fourteen months old boy and ran up to her room.

"Were... are... they?!" Chen hissed and raised his staff.

"I'll never let you touch them!" Ozai hissed and grabbed his katana.

"Useless!" Chen laughed wickedly and struck the man with a lightning blast. Killing him in an instant.

"M-mommy loves you very m-much!" Azula sobbed as she held both her children close. "D-daddy too! Y-you're both so loved!"

"Give. Me. The children!"

"Please no I beg you!" Azula whimpered falling to her knees. "Don't take them please don't! Take me! Do whatever you want with me!"

"Out of the way! Stupid girl!" Chen muttered as he raised his staff again.

"P-Please no! Ple-"

With that, Azula collapsed on the ground leaving both her children behind.

"Mama?" Mako looked at his mother's body gently nudging her. "Mama! Nwo sweep!"

"You're next you pathetic little morons..." Chen grinned and pointed his staff at the children.

"Sweepy mama!" Mako shushed him and looked at the staff. "Gwoy?"

"Yes, little one!" Chen grinned. "Toy!"

As Mako reached out to touch the staff his sister let out another wail and Chen fired his staff.

"When I arrived your parents were dead..." Iroh sighed and held Karlof's hand tightly. "Both your hands were severely burned and your sister... I thought she was going to die too...

Karlof curled up in his mom's lap not letting his uncle out of sight.

"Your parents died as heroes Karlof..." he smiled sadly. "Chen somehow went up in smoke when he tried to attack you and your sister so I... I had to bring you somewhere safe... I took you and your sister to Wu's house where he managed to heal your injuries... but the scars remained..."

Karlof looked down at his hands again. Was that really how he got it?! 

"Wu changed your name to Karlof and gave you to your adoptive parents... and he made them promise not to tell you about your real parents until it was time for you to start at the academy!"

"A-and my sister?!" 

"She's at my place, an old friend of mine is watching her! She's going to start at the Academy next year!" 

"Wh-why didn't you take me too?!" Karlof asked. 

"You and your sister weren't safe together! And Chen wanted you the most for some reason... Wu and I figured you'd be safer in Metalonia!" 

"It was the happiest day of our life!" Aiko smiled softly and stroke through his hair. 

"It was like the ancestors had come down straight from heaven and given you to us!" Emiyo nodded. 

"We just want you to know that we love unconditionally and we don't care about your scarred hands or your powers! You are our son!"

"I love you too!" Karlof smiled and hugged his parents. "But...  I want to start at the academy!"

"Yes..." Aiko sighed. "We know you have to! You need to learn how to control your powers! And.. you'll meet kids just like you!" 

"It's just a little hard for us to say goodbye okay?!" Emiyo sobbed and picked her son up. "It feels like it was yesterday Wu gave you to us!" 

"It's okay mum! I promise I'll write!"

"And I'll take him to the train station safely!" Iroh promised. "But, we need to go and buy all things he needs for his first year! Mind if he lives with me and his sister for the last weeks before the year starts?"

"Okay... but listen closely!" Emiyo hissed. "If I find ONE single bruise or cut on him when he gets back from the academy I'll NEVER let him return!"

"MUUUUM!" Karlof groaned. "I'll be fine!"

"So go pack your bags and get ready!" Iroh laughed and ruffled his nephew's hair.

"YES!" Karlof rushed up to his room and started stuffing clothes in his bag, plus a toy plane he got from his mum as a birthday present when he turned five... Wait a second...

"I haven't eaten any cake yet!" Karlof exclaimed as he came down again. 

"Oh! I forgot about that!" Aiko laughed and picked out a cake from the fridge and lighted the candles. 

Karlof smiled in excitement as Iroh and his moms sang for him before he blew the candles out. 

"I actually brought you a present myself for your birthday!" Iroh smiled and handed Karlof a package. 

"Uhm.... thanks for the hay???" Karlof frowned when he opened it. 

"Under the hay!" Iroh laughed. 

Karlof carefully removed some of the hay when he felt something warm at his fingertips and looked down. 

"An egg?"

"A dragon egg!" Iroh smiled. "It will allow you to take extra classes at the academy to get higher grades and... you'll get a pet!"

"A DRAGON?! YOU'VE GIVEN ME A DRAGON?!" Karlof squealed and hugged his uncle tightly. "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!"

"Eherm..." Aiko coughed. "He's eleven years old... are you sure he's ready for a pet?!"

"It won't hatch until next year!" Iroh reassured. "He'll be twelve by then! A hundred percent qualified to take care of a dragon! Until then he just has to take care of the egg! And in the extra classes, he'll study the egg and read about what to do when the dragon hatches and how to raise it!" 

"It sounds like you only gave him the egg for him to get better grades..." Emiyo frowned. 

"Well... it does give him benefits in the school but... most students get an egg in his age, well.. those who can afford it..."

Emiyo sighed and handed Karlof the presents from her and her wife and the party went on as usual, other than the fact that Karlof couldn't stop starring at his egg. 

"Alright! It's time to go now!" Iroh smiled when he noticed that it was dark outside.

"I love mom and mum!" Karlof smiled and hugged them both. "And like I said! I promise I'll write!" 

Iroh picked up his nephew's bag and walked to the back of the house and whistled. 

"What are we waiting for?" Karlof asked and looked up at the sky. 

"My dragon..." Iroh mumbled. "Hopefully he won't wake up the whole neighborhood... I should've thought of this earlier... but he's the fastest way for us to get back to Ninjago!"

Karlof nodded. Excited over the thought of flying a dragon. 

Suddenly a large shape flew over the town and landed in the backyard. 


"Hopefully the neighbors won't notice the big footprints..." Iroh muttered as he helped Karlof up on the dragon's back. 

"How long will this take?" Karlof asked as the dragon took off into the air. 

"Hopefully just an hour..." Iroh sighed. " I forgot to go to the bathroom before we left..." 

Karlof laughed at what his uncle said and looked at his egg again, it was in a cage tightly tied to the dragon's neck. 

"Don't worry! You and your sister were tied just like that when I brought you to Wu's house! Your egg is safe!" 

"What will we do tomorrow Uhm... uncle?"

Iroh smiled at Karlof calling him uncle and answered.

"Well, first you need to get to know your sister more! Then we'll go out shopping for all you need for your first year! We'll follow you to the train station when it's time!"

The masters who lived (Ninjago and Harry Potter crossover)Where stories live. Discover now