The day

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Karlof woke up tiredly rubbing his eyes. He hated school, not because of all the studying but because of all the kids that always picked on him for his scarred hands.

"Karlof! Breakfast's ready!" His mother Emiyo called from downstairs.

As he dragged himself down the stairs still wearing his pajamas he noticed something weird.

"Mum, why are you making pancakes? You only make that when it's my birthd-"

"Aw Karlof! Have you forgotten your own birthday?!" his other mother Aiko laughed softly as she placed a plate of pancakes in front of his seat.

"Thanks, mom!" he smiled and started eating.

"Oh, and you haven't forgotten your field trip today huh?"

"No mum I haven't..." Karlof groaned.

"Honey it's not that bad!" Aiko chuckled. "When I was in your age we had a field trip to a factory that made packages of matches!"

"And when you get home you'll get cake and your presents!" Emiyo smiled.

"Alright!" Karlof smiled and rushed up to his room to put on his clothes.

When he got back he quickly grabbed his bag and got into his parents' car so they could drive him to the factory.

"Goodbye, mom and mum!" He waved as he stepped out of the car. "I love you!"

"Look it's fry hands!" his classmates laughed as he walked up to them.

"Look! I'm not in the mood for this right now!" Karlof groaned.

"Alright, class! I see you're all here so we can start the tour right away!"

As Karlof walked into the factory he saw several machines forming metal in different shapes.

"Cool..." he mumbled to himself.

"Alright students!" The teacher smiled and pointed to a hoop. "They load up bunches of metal fragments on this hoop, where they sort out different types of metal, there have been some times where they've found silver! And then each metal gets sent into an oven where it's melted and poured into different forms before being cooled down, for bending them they're transported to other machines that form them into whatever they're supposed to be!" 

Karlof listened carefully to all that the teacher said while studying the machines, he felt like this was something he actually would want to do! He had always been interested in... metal stuff...

Suddenly he felt someone snatch his bag out of his hand.

"HEY GIVE THAT BACK!" he yelled and ran after the boy that took it.

When he was about to catch up he tripped over something and crashed into a bunch of metal pipes and... they broke.

"EVERYONE OUT!" the teacher yelled as smoke started coming out of the pipes.

"IT'S ALL FRY HANDS FAULT!" the boy that stole his bag yelled.

"Now now! There's no way Karlof would've been the one who broke the pipes! They're made of steel!"

Steel?! The word started echoing in Karlof's head. How could he have broken a steel pipe just by crashing into it?! He looked down at his hands to notice that they'd turned... grey.... they felt stiff but went back to their normal color as the teacher started calling everyone's parents to pick them up.

"Looks like you'll get your cake earlier than expected!" Aiko smiled at her son.

"Yeah, mom..." Karlof sighed and sat down in the car.

The masters who lived (Ninjago and Harry Potter crossover)Where stories live. Discover now