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(I was reading lightninggirl15's story and was inspired to write this! We'll see how it goes

It was a dark night when Iroh was flying over Ninjago, a small basked in his arms that he had taped tightly to his dragon's neck. He was still shaking from what he had seen but he had no time to grief, not yet. He looked down at the small lives he had in his basket. His nephew's hand was filled with burn marks and bumps. His little niece was completely bald with her head in the same shape as her brother's hands.

"It's going to be okay my darlings..." he sobbed. "It's going to be okay!"

"I WAN MWY MAMA!" his nephew cried out.

"I know... I know..." Iroh sighed and gently stroked his cheek. "I know your hands hurt but everything's going to be okay Mako! Do you trust me?"

"W-wes..." Mako sobbed and looked over at his sister.

"She's still sleeping..." Iroh lied, he had no idea if his niece was going to make it through the night, but Wu had asked him to bring his dead brother's children to him as fast as possible. He said it was the only way to save them...

He landed his dragon in front of Wu's house and carefully carried the basket inside.

"I-I got the children..."

"Thank you, Iroh!" Wu smiled and took out a bottle. "This potion will heal their injuries... what are their names?"

"M-Mako and... S-she wasn't even given a name!" Iroh sobbed as Wu carefully poured the potion into their mouths.

Immediately the marks and bumps turned into scars and some hair started growing on the little girl's head.

Iroh let out a sigh of relief as his niece started crying again, confirming she was going to make it. "H-her hair... W-why does she has red streaks in it?!"

"I don't know..." Wu sighed. "But the boy will have the scars on his hands forever and the girl... I don't think we can do anything about it... it's dark magic Iroh!"

"W-why would Chen do this?!"

"I feared he might cross this path one day... but murder... some people do whatever they want for powers!"

"W-what are we going to do with my brother's children?!"

"They aren't safe together... I'll take the boy to Metalonia! I know there's a couple there longing for a child... They will need to know his true identity for the day he's ready to start at our academy... But I trust that they can keep a secret... Think you can handle protecting the girl?"

Iroh nodded picking up his niece.

"Your name is Urza..." he whispered in her ear. "Urza Beifong..."

"The boy needs a new name!" Wu pointed out. "What about Karlof? The pair I will give him to is called Artino!"

"Karlof Artino..." Iroh mumbled looking at his nephew for the last time in years. "like it..."

As Iroh left with Urza Wu called the master of Shadows to take to Metalonia as fast as possible. 

"Sure they're up for this?" she sighed as Wu walked up to the doorstep.

"They're the best I found!" Wu answered and knocked. 

The shadow master stood in the shadows while Wu talked with the two women and handed over the toddler.

"These are you knew moms!" Wu smiled at him. 

"B-bwu wheves mama?!" Karlof sobbed. 

Wu looked down at the ground instead of answering the boy.

"M-mama!" Karlof cried out. 

"I'm sorry little one... one day you'll understand..."

As the shadow master watched it she felt her heartbreaking. She had a son just around Karlof's age and she couldn't bear the thought of something like this happening to him. 

"Selena? We need to go back!"

Selena nodded and took Wu's hand teleporting both of them back to Wu's house. 

"Thank you for this! I'm guessing you have to return to your family now..." 

"Yeah... Shade's been acting wild ever since he came out!" She laughed.

"Make sure Azula's children are safe Wu... she was one of my best friends!"

With that, the shadow master left Wu with his thought of what just happened.

"May our ancestors guide their way.." he mumbled and ran his hand through his long beard. "I shall see them again when it's time for them to start at the academy..."

The masters who lived (Ninjago and Harry Potter crossover)Where stories live. Discover now