Angel and Devil

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After endless driving, the van finally came to a stop. John was still out cold, and I was really worried. I kept trembling all the time, and none of the men spoke on the way, which made me more worried, because I did not know what was happening. All I could tell was that something bad was going to happen.
The men opened the door, and I could see that we were in the countryside, or at least somewhere quiet and remote. All I could see was a damp old house in front of me.
If I still had a heart, it would be racing like mad right now. I wanted to cry. I was so worried about John.
The men dragged John out of the car and into the house, and just ditched him on the cold wet floor against the wall in the hollow room. Paint was peeling from the walls, and nothing could be seen in the house, except a broken light bulb extending from the ceiling.
“What are you going to do to him…” I whispered anxiously, even though they could not hear.
“Okay, we’ll wait till he gets up,” the man called Jack ordered, and they went back to the car.
I sat next to John, wanting to hold him in my arms. Tears started to pool out from my eyes.
“John…” I kissed his cheek, so desperate to feel his warm skin.
I just pretended to hold him for a while, and John finally woke up.
He groaned loudly, when he tried to move his neck and it hurt.
“John!” I exclaimed, stroking his neck.
“Ugh… Where on earth am I?” John looked around, trying hard not to move his neck.
“Shhh!” I tried to make him quiet, in case those men would come in, but of course, failed.
“ANYBODY OUT THERE?” John shouted.
I ran to the door, pacing back and forth nervously, not wanting to guess what was about to come. I used all my will power to block them from coming in – but again, failed.
“So you’re finally awake, huh?” Jack boomed, his men flanking him.
John widened his eyes, looking shocked and scared.
“What do you want?” John asked, shaking.
“Scared?” Jack laughed. I wanted to punch him so bad. I went over to stand in front of the bundled up John protectively.
“Why am I here?” John asked again.
“You’re the one who killed Billy, right?”
“I told you I don’t know what you’re talking about,”
“STOP LYING!” Jack suddenly became very angry, “YOU KILLED OUR BROTHER!”
Then he grabbed John by the collar, his arm passing through my body, which made me scream.
“STOP!” I screamed.
“Now,” Jack spat, close to John’s face, “Tell me, did you kill him?”
“I don’t know who he is!”
Without a warning, Jack dumped John onto the floor and kicked his stomach hard. I screamed louder, and started crying hysterically.
John sucked in some air, and bit his lip, trying not to moan.
“John!” I kneeled down beside him, tears running freely.
I watched as Jack punched his face hard, “DID YOU?” he yelled.
“Okay okay!” John screamed, “I DID! He was trying to hurt my girlfriend!”
“Because you hurt his girl! Fair enough!” Jack threw his hands up in the air, “Now, now…”
With a sly smile, he kicked John in the chest harshly. John yelped in pain this time. I started to cry again.
I felt so useless and hopeless. Here I was, but I could not do anything to protect my loved one. My job was to help him, but now! I was just plain useless.
“Boys!” Jack called, “Hit him!”
“NOOOOO!” I screamed as loudly as I could, and threw myself in front of John. But then the men just made John stand and started to punch and kick him, with John groaning and yelling in pain all the time. The noises made me sick. I could just wrap my arms around John uselessly, and shut my eyes.
“Please, stop…” I pleaded.
“Enough!” after a few minutes, Jack ordered the men to stop. They backed away and Jack came forward to the now bruises-covered John on the floor. John was panting heavily, and just looking at him made me fall to my knees, wanting to die… But I was already dead…
“Now you know what you have done wrong?” Jack laughed. I stood up and punched him in the face with all my anger transferred to my fist, but sure enough, I could not hit him. I hated myself so much.
“Just kill me already,” John panted.
“As you wish… Seeing that we have had enough fun with you already,” Jack snickered, “George!”
“Yes,” George came forward, producing a gun.
“NOOOOO!” I shouted one last time, tears streaming uncontrollably.
“I’m coming, (Yn),” John closed his eyes and smiled.
“JOHN!” I broke down when I saw John being shot in the head. At least they were ending this fast.
John became as still as a statue, still smiling peacefully. I hope he did not really feel any pain. If not for the blood now splattered all over the wall, I would have thought he was a sleeping angel.
“Okay, boys, we’re done here,” Jack waved his hand to the men, and walked out of the house, with the others following close behind.
“John,” I fell to my knees besides him. I stroked his cheek lovingly.
“(Yn)?” suddenly, John’s voice rose behind me. I turned around in shock.
“John?!” I exclaimed, and there he was, a perfect being standing there, looking as gorgeous as ever, his blond hair sloping over his eyes, and his green eyes were glistering with tears.
“JOHN!” I jumped up with joy, and ran over to his open arms. He held me as tightly as possible, kissing my cheek all the while. Now I was sobbing crazily, but I was feeling happy and contented.
“(Yn),” John mumbled against my neck, “I’m so sorry… I’m dead, right?”
“Sadly, yes,” I replied, “Don’t apologize, it wasn’t your fault…”
“I’m glad that I’m dead,” John pulled back and breathed on my lips, then kissed my lips.
Both our lips were moving urgently, wanting to make up to the time when we were separated by my death. John pulled me against his body, and our curves fitted together perfectly.
At last we pulled away, panting heavily, “I love you,” John whispered against my lips.
“Love you too,” I pecked his lips.
“Why are you here?”
“It’s a long story John…” I began telling him the whole thing.
“Wow,” John said when I was finished, still holding me in his arms, “You’re an angel… But I’m sure I cannot join you in heaven… Is this a goodbye?”
“John! Don’t go!” I locked my arms around him securely.
“But I can already feel it… Hell is calling me,” John said sadly.
Suddenly devil wings sprang out from behind John’s back, and he began to tremble. At the same time, the light beams I saw the other night started surrounding me.
“NO!” I shouted, “I’m coming with you!”
“(Yn),” John sighed, “You should go back to heaven.”
“NO!” I insisted.
“Hell is not going to be good,”
“I don’t care if it’s heaven, as long as you’re not there, it’s hell,” I told him, tightening my arms around him.
John paused, deep in thought.
“I don’t know,” John said finally, “I guess I’ll feel the same if I were you.”
“I love you,”
“Love you too,”
John’s devil wings wrapped around both of us, and the house disappeared from sight. We were going to live forever together, and with each other, I was sure we could face anything.

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