Getting to Know Him

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So he was the boy who made me come here. But well… I was not mad anymore. His beauty made me numb and I just could not tear my eyes off him. Even from the distance, his pale exposed skin, perfect jawline, nice messy hair… He was gorgeous.
I shook my head, trying to tell myself that it was not the look that counted. I looked at him again, and he was now looking at me, with a curious smile. He was wearing a grey hoodie, black skinny jeans and silver hightops. I blushed, and he walked towards my house, and I walked down the stairs of my porch. We met on the sidewalk right in front of my house.
“Hey,” John smiled, approaching me, “You must be my new neighbor. My name is John, John Grimes.”
I shook his hand, “Nice to meet you,” I smiled back, “My name’s (Your full name).”
He grinned, “Nice name,”
“Thanks,” I blushed again, staring into his eyes.
“You know I’m glad that someone nice like you have moved in,” John said, breaking my trance, “The previous ones were hard to get along with.”
“Hopefully you wouldn’t find me weird then,” I smiled slightly. I guess I would be weird for some time, as I had not been a human for a while.
He laughed. His laughter sounded cute, I had to admit.
“Well, what are you doing today?” he asked, “Seeing you’re new here, will you go around to check everything out? Maybe I can show you around.”
“That’d be nice,” I said, “But I would rather do it tomorrow. I’m so tired from all the moving… This morning.”
“Ah, yes,” he said, “You just moved in very early this morning. So I guess you haven’t unpacked?”
I thought about the tidy house. “Actually, I don’t have much stuff so I have already done all the unpacking,”
“So fast?” he said, surprised.
“Yeah, I was trying to have a brand new start,” and it was the truth.
“Umm, I have nothing to do today, so do you want to, like, hang out or something?” he looked at me, looking hopeful.
“Sure,” I replied, as it was a good chance for me to get to know him, “And now that I think of it, I actually need to go shopping for groceries. Can you come with me?”
“Of course!” he grinned hugely, “I’ll come over in a minute.”
Then he walked back to his house. I smiled, and went into my house. He seemed nice, to be honest.
I changed into some grey skinny jeans I found in the wardrobe, as it was quite cool outside. I also found a credit card inside with a note that said “You have unlimited cash. Max”. I put the card into my pocket. Then I heard the doorbell rang.
“Coming!” I half ran to the door, and John was there, smiling, looking like an angel. I did not really understand what problems he was having.
“You ready?” John asked, “You don’t have a car do you? But anyway I’ll drive you to the town as you don’t really know this place.”
“Okay, and yeah I don’t have a car,” I said, following him to his car parked in front of my house. It was a black Audi.
On the way to town, we talked about our lives. John lived all by himself, and he was not working at the moment because his parents had endless supply of money as they owned a large company, but he did work sometimes though, whenever he wanted. But to me, he did not seem like a spoiled brat. He was genuine and funny. He seemed energetic too, as he was so animated when he talked. And he was single! I guess the girl I saw this morning was just a friend of his.
“We’re here,” he parked the car on the roadside. We were in a busy street; people had started their daily routine, going to work, going to school, having breakfast and so on.
I hopped off the car, and John led me to a supermarket to do my shopping. He kept grabbing different products along the way and made funny comments. I was laughing so hard that people started to look at me, but I did not really care. I was having a great time.
At last I had got everything I needed. John also got some popcorn, and he asked, “Hey (Yn), as you don’t want to go out, do you fancy watching a movie with me tonight? I mean DVD,”
“Uh, sure,” another great opportunity to get to know him.
“Yay,” he smiled. He really looked gorgeous when he smiled.
So we headed back to the car and John helped me carry some of my groceries. We were putting everything inside the car, when I heard a child cry.
“Mummy!” I looked back, and saw a little boy crying in the center of the street, “Mummy!”
I quickly walked to him. “Hey little one,” I crouched down so I was on the same level with him, “Have you lost your mum?”
Now John had joined me, standing by my side. “Yes,” the boy sobbed.
“How did you lose your mum? Where was the last place that you saw her?” I asked.
“I was – I was looking at – at a toy,” he said, pointing at a shop, “Then I lo – lost her.”
“I see… Don’t cry,” I said, as he started crying again, and I wiped away his tears with a tissue, “What’s your name?”
“Bri – Brian,” he stuttered between sobs.
“Don’t worry Brian, I’ll help you find your mum,” I said, and took his hand. I stood up and looked around.
“How does your mum look?” I asked again.
“She – she has brown hair,” he said, “And she is wearing a – a green jacket with – with a white scarf.”
So her hair color should be similar to Brian’s, I figured.
“You’re helping him find his mum?” John asked, looking at me with a weird expression.
“Of course, I can’t bear seeing this poor boy crying like this!” I replied.
Then I walked down the street with the sobbing Brian, with John following behind.
“Where were you heading to originally?” I asked Brian.
“We – we were heading to Starbucks,” he replied, “Mum wanted a coffee.”
“Where is the closest Starbucks?” I turned around to ask John.
“Umm, just around the corner, and you’ll see it,”
“Okay,” I continued walking.
When we rounded the corner, I saw a woman searching for something at the other end of the street frantically. She matched the description of Brian’s mum.
Then she spotted us, and ran towards us, “Brian!” she called.
“Mum!” Brian looked at the woman, and let go of my hand to run towards the woman. The woman scooped Brian into her arms.
“Don’t ever scare me like that again!” she said, kissing Brian’s head.
She looked at me and John, and came closer, “Thank you so much!”
“You’re welcome, it’s nothing really, anyone who sees that will sure help,” I smiled.
“I can’t express how thankful I am,” she said.
I felt inside my pocket, and took out a Mars bar that I just bought. It was my favorite before I died.
“Hey Brian,” I gave the chocolate bar to Brian, “Next time don’t wander away on your own, okay? And don’t cry,” I wiped away the tears on his cheek that had not dried yet with a tissue.
“Okay, and thank you,” he smiled at me.
“Thank you so much young lady, I don’t know how I can thank you and your boyfriend!” Brian’s mum said.
“Oh,” I blushed, “He’s not my boyfriend actually, and as I said, it’s really nothing.”
“Oops,” she giggled, “Thank you anyway!”
Then she walked away, with Brian waving goodbye to me. I smiled at him, waving back.
“You’re a really kind person,” John said on the way back to the car.
“I just like helping others,” I said, “I like to see people smile.”
On the way back home, John did not talk much. He was mostly silent.
“Is something wrong?” I asked.
“Nothing,” he replied, staring straight on the road.
I could sense something was wrong, but I shut my mouth anyway.
“Err, I’ll bring the DVD and some snacks over, okay?” John said once he had put down my groceries on my kitchen table.
“Sure,” I smiled slightly.
John brought a comedy, and I laughed so much throughout the movie. But not John. Something was wrong with him, I was sure. He also brought some snacks over, but he just nibbled on them mindlessly. Plus, he kept a distance with me on the sofa.
“That’s a great movie,” I giggled when the movie had finished.
“Yeah,” he looked at me and forced a smile.
“Do you have any plans tonight?” I asked, hoping that he could stay longer. One, I needed to get more information about him, and two, I really enjoyed having him around.
He looked at his watch, “Wow, it’s five already,” he said, “Umm, I have something to do tonight, so I should head home now.”
“Okay…” I said, and could not help but feel a bit sad. I stood up. John helped clean up the mess then went back.
“(Yn)… I’m glad that you’ve moved in, you’re a really awesome girl,” John said before he went back.
“I’m glad you’re my neighbor, too,” I said, “You’re really nice and fun to be with.”
“So, see you later,” he smiled slightly, and headed to his house.
An hour later, I heard John’s car. He must be heading out. I wondered where he was going.
I slept early that night, seeing there was nothing else to do. It felt weird having the true need to sleep again. In the middle of the night, I heard a car outside. I remembered I had not heard John coming back yet. I quickly looked at the clock – it was four in the morning. I jumped out of the bed and went over to the window. It was really John.
Then I saw John climb out of his car, stumbling slightly. A girl got out from the other side, and helped him go back to his house. The girl was dressed similarly to the girl I saw the previous morning, but with dark hair. I thought I saw them kiss for a bit before they disappeared through the door, but I was not sure, as the streetlight did not reach his porch.
I thought he was single. And that did not seem like the John I know. The worst thing of all, I felt jealousy burning inside me.

Angel and DevilOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara