Unexpected Visit

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I woke up the next morning, in John’s arms. We were on his bed, naked, and he was still sleeping, with his arms wrapped around my waist. My head was buried in John’s neck, and I smiled to myself – I could not believe everything had happened so fast. I came here, and fell in love with this boy, lost my first kiss and virginity.
I thought about last night. We finished our business in the car, and then took it up to his bedroom to continue.
I looked up at John’s angelic face. He was snoring quietly, looking peaceful and innocent like a lamb. I could not imagine the hard time he had gone through before.
And now that I thought of it… If he had found the meaning of his life, did that mean I would have to go back? But I could not be so selfish and not help him in order to stay here with him. Even if he came to heaven after he died, I was quite sure it would not be soon. That meant when we met again he would be so much older. I sighed, telling myself that having him as the John I loved was enough.
I studied John’s features closely, trying to memorize every bit of his face. I carefully traced his face with my fingers. He moved slightly, and mumbled my name.
“Sorry,” I whispered, thinking that I had woken him. But then he became the sleeping angel again.
He called my name in his dreams. When he was sleeping. When he did not really know what was happening. My heart skipped a bit, and I was already back in heaven. I was on cloud nine.
I grinned widely, and I suddenly became very excited, as I finally felt the impact of our bare skin touching each other. I felt so hot all of a sudden. I could not wait for John to wake up anymore; I leaned in, trying to kiss him awake. Our lips almost touched when the doorbell downstairs rang, scaring me, as it was completely quiet in John’s room apart from our breathing.
I jumped slightly, and carefully unwrapped John’s arm around me. I slipped out of his embrace, omitting my underwear and just put on my skirt and tank top, then grabbed a random hoodie draping over John’s lounge and wrapped it around my shoulders.
I jogged downstairs, and the doorbell rang again as I was running towards the door. I opened it, and I froze.
It was Kyle.
I could not believe my eyes; I just froze and stared at him wide-eyed. Kyle grinned from ear to ear and attacked me with a hug. I was still clutching the hoodie around me tightly.
“(Yn),” Kyle whispered, “I miss you.”
I did not speak. I was shell-shocked. We just stayed like this for a couple of minutes, and Kyle released me. He stepped back, sweeping his gaze from my feet to my head. I hoped he had not noticed the absence of my underwear, but then I thought I saw him gulp, and he stared into my eyes.
“(Yn), please say something,” Kyle whispered.
“I—” I began, but I could not find the words, “Kyle, I – I’m shocked.”
“I can see that,”
“Why are you here?”
“I know you’re going to ask this question,” he smiled, “I’m also here on a mission. I have to help this man named Jimmy. He’s a businessman who has just lost everything – his family, his money and company. I just arrived yesterday morning, and I tracked you down with the address that Max gave me.”
“I see,” I had finally calmed down. So he did not know what had happened between me and John. I was not going to tell him that this was John’s house.
Kyle hugged me again, but I did not hug him back; I just grabbed the hoodie tightly to myself.
“I just miss you so much,” Kyle murmured into my hair.
“(Yn)?” a voice rose behind me. I quickly pulled back and turned around. John was standing at the bottom of the stairs, looking confused and slightly hurt. Even though his expression alerted me, I simply could not ignore his perfectness. He had nothing on except a pair of red basketball shorts. I almost fainted looking at his gorgeous body.
“What’s he doing here?” Kyle asked me, sounding annoyed. He looked from me to John, then John to me. He looked me up and down again, and I thought he had more or less guessed what had happened between us from how we looked.
“Erm, Kyle,” I quickly replied, “This is John’s house actually.”
“What?” he said, surprised, “Where’s yours?”
“There,” I pointed to the direction of my house.
Kyle just became quiet, and looked at John again. I looked back, and John came closer to me, expressionless. He put a hand on my waist, and asked, “Who’s this?”
“He’s Kyle,” I replied, honestly, “He’s a friend of mine. Kyle, this is John.”
“Nice to meet you,” Kyle reached out his hand, forcing a smile. John shook his hand, “Me too,” he said.
“So I reckon you’re (Yn)’s new neighbor?” Kyle asked, and I could sense he would ruin the whole situation soon.
“You can say so,” John said, with a suggestive tone. “(Yn), so, what are we now?” John looked down at me, “Are we like… Together?”
I paused for a moment to think. The one I truly loved was John. And I could not bear the idea of hurting him. I sounded mean but to be honest I would rather hurt Kyle and explain everything to him later on.
“I guess so,” I smiled.
“Um, (Yn), I guess I’d better go,” Kyle said sharply, “I can see I’m interrupting something.”
“Wait, Kyle!” I called before Kyle turned around, “Give me your number; I’ll maybe meet you later.”
I took out my phone from the pocket of my skirt and handed it to him.
“If you say so,” Kyle shrugged, and typed in his number.
“Okay, I’ll call you later,” I slipped the phone into the pocket again, and Kyle walked away. I walked forward to close the door, and I felt arms going around my waist.
“Who’s that Kyle exactly?” John whispered in my ears.
“He’s my… You can say he’s my ex,” I said.
“And you’re still friends with him?”
“Kind of, but I lost his phone number, so I haven’t seen him for a while,”
“It looks like he still likes you,” John said, worry coloring his tone, “Are you sure you’re over with him?”
“One hundred percent sure,” I replied, “I only love you.”
“(Yn),” John suddenly became all serious, “Are you sure you love me? You don’t mind all the girls I’ve been with and my past?”
“Not a bit,” I said, “As long as you don’t do it again.”
“I promise,” John kissed the spot behind my ear, “I only belong to you.”
“And I belong to—” I gasped; I was stopped in the middle of the sentence because John’s lips had moved down to my neck, gently sucking it.
“To who?” John mumbled against my neck, making me shiver. His hand reached the hem of my top, finding its way under the fabric, moving higher and higher up my body. His other hand caressed my thigh, moving upwards. His hand snaked under my skirt, and reached my hip.
“Who do you belong to?” John asked again, “Oh, (Yn), you’re so bad, not wearing underwear!” His hand on my upper body squeezed hard, and I gasped loudly. I could also feel something hard pressing against my lower back.
“Aren’t you going to answer my question?” John asked teasingly.
“I – I—”
I grunted, as his hand under my skirt was teasing me. He bit me lightly on the shoulder. I squirmed into his chest.
“Stop – stop teasing me John!” I cried.
“Then answer me,”
“I BELONG TO YOU OKAY!” I practically shouted.
Then I let out a small scream as his fingers entered me. John pleasured me until I calmed down slightly, with me leaning into his chest heavily, panting. John tugged on my top, and I let him take it off. He also pulled down my skirt, and tossed everything onto the sofa.
“It’s my turn,” John turned me around to face him, grinning at me evilly, “Let’s have some fun!”
Then he swept me off my feet and brought me upstairs to his room in his arms.

Angel and DevilМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя