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“John?” I asked cautiously, “I thought you’re sleeping.”
“Yeah, of course you’d wish I’m sleeping,” he replied coldly.
“John?” I walked over to him, “What’s wrong?” I asked even though I could guess why he was acting like this. My heart hammered hard and fast against my rib cage.
He raised his hand, signaling me to stop coming closer. I immediately stopped in my track. My heart pounded faster and faster.
“You know what’s wrong,” he said, standing up, and headed over to throw on his hoodie, as he had been sleeping shirtless.
“John…” I gulped, “What do you mean?”
“You know what you’ve just done,” he crossed his arms, planting himself a few feet away from me.
“It wasn’t what it seemed like,”
“Yeah yeah, I know you’d say that,”
“I did explain to him!”
“Oh yeah?”
“Seriously John!” I raised my voice, as I was becoming frustrated – first it was Kyle who was being stupid, then now John was angry with me and I could not bear this anymore, “What are you trying to say? Just say it!”
“You really want to know?” John raised an eyebrow.
“Ugh, John, just say it okay! What are you thinking?”
“That you’re just like any other girl I’ve met before,” John spat it in my face, breaking my heart into a million pieces, “I can’t believe you would do something like that to hurt me. Why don’t you just leave me alone if you’re going to play with me like that? I don’t care if you just want some fun, but afterwards, please tell me before I fall for you. It’s too late now.”
“Didn’t you hear me explaining to Kyle?” I said, trying my best to hold back my tears.
“All I saw was that you kissed him!” John practically shouted at me.
“But I didn’t! He kissed me! And I did tell him I don’t love him. I don’t even fancy him! YOU are the only one I love, and will ever love!”
“Enough for the lies,” John said, looking sad, “Why didn’t you push him away then? And just make him leave?”
“I tried to!” I half shouted, “He’s strong! So how was it possible? Be sensible, John!”
“So you’re now telling me to be sensible when you’re the one cheating on me?”
“I. Did. Not. Cheat. On. You.” I said every word clearly, “John, won’t you understand? You didn’t see the whole thing, for goodness sake!”
“I don’t care,” John said, being stubborn like a kid, “Yeah, I did say I don’t want to be selfish and be too possessive, but if you’re behaving like this, I don’t think I can take it anymore. You’re sometimes being secretive and I just… Don’t want to get hurt.”
“I just… Didn’t want to hurt you so I didn’t tell you everything,” I was on the edge of crying – it was so unfair, “But I swear, I didn’t cheat on you!”
“Now you can say anything you want, but from what I saw you ARE,” John was being impatient now.
“NO I AM NOT!” I could not hold it anymore, and tears rolled down my cheek helplessly, “I love you John, don’t you see that?”
“Then why did you break my heart?” John blinked harshly, looking away, as if he could not look at my tear streaked face or he would cry himself.
“You know you’re breaking my heart too. I can’t believe you cannot see that you’re the only one I love, after all this time,” I whispered, and wiped away my tears with my sleeve. I put on a coat and quickly ran out of the house.
I ran down the road aimlessly. I stopped after a while and checked if John was chasing me. My heart broke into more pieces as I saw no one was around, and I was really disappointed. A fresh wave of tears attacked me again.
At last I reached the park, and I sat down on a bench, feeling hollow. A few kids were playing, chasing around one another. Why couldn’t we be like little kids, all innocent and no drama? Why did our lives have to be so complicated and miserable? Mine actually had ended, but I still had an afterlife. I would have to carry all these memories with me forever.
I buried my face into my hands, sobbing and shaking all over.
“Hello?” a high voice rang near me, “Are you okay?”
I looked up and wiped away my tears, “Hey,” I told the person. It was a cute little boy, with pretty blue eyes and blond hair, who was one of those kids running around. He somehow reminded me of John. They both looked like angels.
“Why are you crying?” he asked innocently.
“Oh, nothing, just some minor problems,” I smiled weakly at him.
“You should find someone to talk to, Mummy said when you’re sad you have to tell your daddy and mummy,” he said, staring at me.
I fell silent. I thought of my parents, who were up in heaven. Were they looking down at me right now? I suddenly realized they might be very sad at this moment if they saw me like this.
“Maybe you’re right,” I patted his head, “Thank you, sweetie.”
“Take this, this always makes me feel better,” he fished out a Mars bar from his little pocket and handed it to me.
“Oh, thank you,” I said, taken aback.
“Bye!” he said, running away to join his friends again.
“Bye! Thanks!” I called after him.
I looked at the candy bar. Memories came crashing back into my head – the day when John and I went for groceries, how I ended up helping the little boy. Thinking of this made me even sadder. I rose from the bench, stuffing the candy bar into my pocket.
I just wanted to forget everything, everyone. Kyle, John, and even my parents. It was too much to bear.
I wandered around, went to the mall, and it was getting late. I wandered down the road, and I reached the pub area again. More memories came back to me, and I felt like I was going to explode.
I spotted the bar where I followed John to. The night we started to be an item.
I took a deep breath like I did the last time I went in. I had made up my mind – I was going to get drunk, to forget everything, at least for a while. That was what people always did.
I went straight to the bar, and asked for a beer. I had never drunk alcohol before. I raised the glass to my lips, and drowned it with my eyes close.
It felt as if my inside was burning, but I did not care. I asked for more, and eventually I felt so hot and dizzy and everything seemed to be spinning around me. My sight was becoming blurry, and I felt sick. I needed the toilet so bad.
I asked for the direction to the toilet, which was located in the quiet area of the pub, and stumbled towards it. I threw up in the toilet and wiped my mouth. I went to the sink and held onto the edge tightly, trying to keep myself from slipping. I washed my face for a bit but I still felt hot and sick. I gave up and stumbled my way out the toilet.
I ran into someone on the way out, “Sorry!” I mumbled to the person.
“Watch where you’re going!” the voice boomed, and it sounded… Familiar.
I looked up at the person who happened to be towering over me, and through my blurry sight, I could recognize this big scary man. It was Billy.
I nearly got a heart attack, and quickly looked down and went away.
“Wait,” Billy’s strong hand grabbed my arm, and jerked me towards him, “You look familiar…”
My heart was pounding frantically, and I prayed to God that he would not remember me.
“OH!” Billy suddenly shouted, making me jump, “YOU!”
I tried to break his grasp, but of course, failed. He dragged me with him towards the back exit of the pub, “Huh, you, I can’t believe how lucky I am tonight!” he laughed evilly.
Now I was becoming more conscious, “Where are you taking me to? Let go of me!” I shouted, “HELP!”
He quickly turned around to slap me across the face. I yelped in pain.
“You $#^*@, shut up!” he hissed, looking around to see if anyone was here. He peeked around the wall which hid the toilets from view, and dragged me with him again. I kept yelling and struggling all the way, but the pub was too noisy and no one could hear nor see us behind the solid wall.
Finally I got thrown on the floor in the dark alley outside the back of the pub.
“What do you want from me?” I asked, shaking, backing away from Billy. I glanced at the other end of the alley, which was quite far from me. I could not see anyone too.
“What do I want?” Billy smiled at me slyly, “Last time your boyfriend mistreated my girl, and here you are, his girl…” he said, advancing on me.
My back hit the wall. I had never been this scared before, “LEAVE ME ALONE!” I shouted.
He slapped me again, harder this time. I stroked my face, tears running freely.
“Shut up!” he said, and kneeled down before me.
I pushed him and tried to make a run, but he was too fast and strong. I got pulled down and my head hit the floor hard. I tried to get up, but I could not; my head was too heavy and painful. I reached my hand up to touch the back of my head, and I felt wetness. To my horror, I was bleeding severely.
“That will just make it easier,” Billy smiled at me creepily.
He kneeled down and ran his harsh hand up my thigh. I tried to kick him, but my whole body seemed to have gained weight. I could not move or speak at all. I could feel blood was pooling underneath me.
Suddenly I saw a shadow moved just right at the other end of the alley out of the corner of my eye. I opened my mouth, but no sound came out.
“Haha, see?” Billy laughed at my expression, his hand travelling further up my leg.
I closed my eyes, but shockingly, I heard a familiar voice at the end of the alley called, “(Yn)?”
I shot my eyes open and used all my strength to turn my head to the sound. Through my tear-filled eyes I saw a very familiar figure.
It was John.

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