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“(YN)!” John shouted.
“John,” I croaked.
I heard Billy cursed under his breath, and turned his head to look at John. John was running in our direction, full speed. Billy quickly stood up and grabbed me with him, producing a knife from his back pocket. I was feeling very dizzy as Billy was making me stand in front of him as a shield. I felt something cold against my neck – it was the blade. Billy was backing away from John, and I could tell he had hit the wall – it was a dead end.
“Stop now or I’ll kill her!” Billy threatened John, trying not to speak too loudly in case someone outside would hear. But I guess no one would really pay attention, as this was a very dark, narrow and long alley – no one would be interested in peeking into this scary place. And it was quite noisy outside the alley, too; noises were bubbling over the other end.
“Release her!” John demanded, angrily. Through my watery eyes I could somehow see John balling up his fists.
“Only a moron would do that,” Billy hissed.
“What do you want?” John asked angrily.
“I just want to have some fun with her,” Billy sneered.
“Leave her alone!” John yelled, and glancing backwards, looking for help. But I could see no one at the end of the alley.
“Don’t you dare tell the police,” Billy threatened, “If you do I’ll find you two and kill both of you. Now just go away and when I’m done she can go.”
“Leave. Her. Alone.” John spat, “I’m the one who caused trouble last time and she’s innocent – leave her alone.”
“Last time you harassed my girl. And now it’s my turn,” Billy laughed.
John stepped forward and made an attempt to grab Billy’s knife. But Billy was faster – he jerked his hand away and managed to punch John in the face with the hand holding the knife. I gasped, thinking that he had stabbed him.
“John!” I finally managed to scream out loud.
“Now go away or I’ll kill her!” Billy waved the knife near my neck.
“Kill me, not her!” John seemed very anxious, and looked as if he was about to cry.
“John…” I choked.
“Now you’re trying to play games?” Billy laughed, “Don’t act all selfless, you little &*&%^@.”
“It’s true,” John fumed, “And give her back or I’m going to tell the police. You’re not going to escape either way.”
“You’re making me do this,” Billy pretended to slice my neck.
“No!” John shouted, coming forward.
“Stay back!” Billy ordered.
John saw that Billy was just faking, and he lost his patience, “I’m going to tell the police, you jerk!”
He slowly backed away from us, producing his phone.
“DON’T YOU DARE!” Billy boomed, “I’LL KILL HER NOW!”
But then I started to feel everything fading away from me; I guess the wound on my head was becoming worse. My sight was becoming more and more blurry.
“STOP!” John snapped his head to our direction, and gasped when he saw that I am slipping, “(YN)!”
Billy seemed to have felt my body weight. I could not really stand with my own feet now.
“What?” Billy said, shocked, “I didn’t do anything!”
“(Yn)!” John now grasped my arms, shaking me, and Billy had frozen in his position, “Answer me, (Yn)! Are you alright?”
“John…” I could hardly whisper, “I…”
“(Yn)!” John gasped, touching the back of my head, “What happened to you?”
“I – I didn’t do anything,” Billy now let go of me, scared, “She hit her head herself!”
John pulled me into his arms, “(Yn)! Stay with me!”
I quietly moaned into his neck, “John…”
I could tell that I was about to go back to heaven, with my mission here half completed… I wondered if anyone would come here to clean up for me. A sudden wave of jealousy washed through me – what if John fell for her? If it was a girl? I had to stay strong and live!
I heaved my arms and put them around his shoulder. Billy was still behind us, as he had not walked pass us. He must be petrified right now.
“It’s okay… Call the ambulance!” John yelled at Billy, “DO IT! NOW!”
“No!” Billy shouted back, “Then they’ll get me!”
“It’s your fault! JUTS DO IT!”
“John,” I panted, “Stop it…”
The noises were making my head ache; I wish they would all stay quiet.
“(Yn)!” John sobbed.
I used all the energy to stay awake, but I could tell that I could not hold it any longer. I just wanted to make sure John would not do something stupid afterwards… Killing himself would just ban him from heaven too.
“John,” I panted heavily into his neck, “Don’t do anything rash, okay?”
“Just stay!” John cried.
“I love you,” I smiled, even though the pain in my head was getting to me now.
And I suddenly felt that I was weightless. I could feel nothing, absolutely nothing now – I felt so good, so perfect. No more pain. Just like how I felt when I was an angel.
I looked up, and John was looking down at me, shouting like mad, “(YN)!”
I was so confused; why was he acting like this?
“I’m okay now,” I beamed at him.
Suddenly he jerked me towards him, and buried his face into my neck. But I did not move at all. My body did.
I was detached from my body. I was so shocked. So I had died…. Again.
I looked around, and John’s agony filled the alley. He was weeping my name over and over again, and kissing my lifeless body.
Billy was standing behind me, shocked with wide eyes.
I felt very helpless. Here I was, an angel again, and I could no longer comfort John. I could only stand there and watch him cry his heart out.
After a while, John started to stop crying. He was still shaking slightly, and set my body down against the wall. He stood up, balled his fists and turned to Billy, who was still shell-shocked.
“YOU!” John screamed at him, “YOU KILLED HER!”
Billy raised his hands, “I didn’t! She killed herself!”
“Liar!” John charged towards the huge Billy, and pushed him onto the floor, which surprised me – John must be really, really mad to be able to push over such a big person.
John straddled Billy, and Billy tried to push him away. John grabbed a random brick off the floor, and hit Billy hard in the head.
“NOOOO!” I screamed, as killing Billy would definitely send John to hell!
But of course, John could not hear me. Blood was gushing out from Billy’s forehead, which made me think of the back of my head. I touched it, but it was as well as it should be. No wound was found.
“You liar, you killer, you @%#^^!” John screamed when hitting Billy over and over with the brick, which scared me – I had never seen John as violent as this.
Billy’s face was covered with blood and John finally stopped. He dropped the brick, and stood up, stunned at what he had done. He checked if Billy was dead, and sure enough, he was. After a few minutes, he kneeled down next to my body.
“I’m sorry, (Yn),” John cried into my body’s neck, “I didn’t mean any of it. I regret saying those words. I was just stupid and jealous. Please, come back… I love you.”
“I love you too,” I smiled at John weakly, thinking of John killing Billy. Now how could I see John in heaven?

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