I Want a Boyfriend

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“Mum! Dad!” I shouted while running, breathlessly, “Come! Quick!”
“What’s happening?” Dad looked up from his newspaper, lazily, as he was not alarmed since there would not be any bad things happening around heaven. Yes, heaven did have newspaper. The news would be about events down in the human world though, about who was turning bad and stuff. Then the guardians might want to send someone down to save them.
“Come and see! Uncle Liam’s proposing to his girlfriend!” I jumped up and down excitedly.
“Really?” Mum ran out from the kitchen. And yes we did eat food, whenever we pleased.
“Come quickly!” I waved my hand, and ran out of our house. Unlike Earth, heaven’s pavements were made of cloud. There was no sky too, and there was no nighttime in heaven. All you could see when you look up was cloud, cloud and cloud.
We ran across the cloud meadow, towards the huge well that connected heaven and Earth. To be exact, you could look down and think of whatever you wanted to see and you could see the activities down on Earth through the well.
We reached the well, and there were a couple of other people – or angels – there looking down, maybe checking what their loved ones were doing, or just out of curiosity.
When we reached the edge, we thought of Uncle Liam, and there he was, in the well. It was like a big TV screen.
“Oh my!” Mum gasped, when Uncle Liam kneeled down on one knee, “That’s my baby brother!”
“He’s not a baby anymore; he’s going to start a family!” Dad laughed.
While my parents were talking about the bright future of Uncle Liam, I was dreaming in my own world. I had always wanted a romantic proposal, and a fairytale wedding. Unluckily, before I even got a boyfriend, I was already taken away from the human world.
My parents and I were in the car one day, heading to the beach. But all of a sudden, a car came crashing into our car, and then we ended up here.
“(Yn)!” my mum shook my arms, “Hello! Let’s go home now.”
I glanced into the well, and could see Uncle Liam and his girlfriend having dinner, celebrating their engagement. I followed after my parents, and on the way I bumped into my friend Edwina. I met her when I first came here, she was my neighbor. She lived with her grandmother. Even though her grandmother looked old, as everyone looked the age when they died, physically she was a young woman.
“Hey (Yn)! Heading home?” Edwina asked.
“Hi! Yeah we just saw my uncle Liam proposed to his girlfriend!” I told her.
“Wow, congratulations!” she said, “Hey, why don’t we go hang out tonight?”
Even though there was no nighttime, we did know about the time. It worked just like on Earth. But we did not really need to sleep; it was like we never got tired, but still, we could sleep whenever we wanted, just like eating. We could do all the enjoyable human activities here.
“Sure, let me tell my parents first,” I ran off to catch up with Mum and Dad, “Mum, Dad! Can I go hang out with Edwina tonight?”
“Of course, what is the worst that can happen here?” Dad laughed.
“Edwina, shall we meet at the mall at around six tonight?” I walked back to Edwina, “I desperately need some new clothes.”
“Okay! So I’ll see you later!” Edwina replied, and walked off.
The way things worked here was quite interesting. We did not have money, and we could get houses just by our will. We could take anything from the mall, and new stuff would just pop up. What was more, you could always find something you desire there. And when you could get anything, and everyone who was allowed to come here were good people, crimes never occurred in heaven. People also did not really like power, too, as everything worked kind of differently here. So this was the best place ever, obviously.
My parents and I went back to our place. I got ready for tonight, putting on something nice… I thought about what I had in mind earlier, about getting a boyfriend. Maybe I could try to get one here, although we could never ever start a family. Our bodies were forever frozen.
I waited until six, and went out. I walked to the mall, and saw Edwina waiting outside the smoothie shop. We each got a smoothie, and started looking at shops.
“Look at that cute dress!” Edwina suddenly exclaimed, and I followed her gaze. There was this nice blue skirt with ruffles. The blue was really pretty.
We walked towards that shop. “Wow, it really is!” I said.
“I want a pink one… Then maybe you can get this one and we can wear them together!” Edwina said excitedly.
Then suddenly something caught my eyes. There was a pink skirt with the same design inside the shop.
“Look!” I pointed at it, “This never fails!”
So we entered the shop. Edwina put down her smoothie and held up the skirt. “I’m so getting this,” she said.
I went around to grab the blue one. “It’s really nice! I’m getting it!”
“Yeah, it’ll sure look nice on you,” suddenly, a voice said behind me, startling me. I wheeled around.
“Sorry!” a boy who looked the same age as me said, “I didn’t mean to startle you!”
He gave me an apologetic smile. He had brown hair going in different directions, looking a bit messy but nice. He had a pair of pretty brown eyes too.
“It’s okay,” I said, smiling.
“My name’s Kyle,” the boy said, holding out his hand, “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too, my name’s (Yn),” I shook his hand.
“Pretty name,” he smiled wider, “Do you want to, like, have dinner with me?”
“Thanks, but well…” he seemed like a nice boy, but I was with Edwina. And he was quite charming, too, and I suddenly remembered what I was hoping for earlier and blush. Luckily Edwina spoke and I turned around to hide my burning cheeks.
“(Yn), you go ahead, I, um, remember that I have something to do tonight,” Edwina said, biting her lips, trying not to laugh.
“Oh, okay,” I said, smiling and thanked her silently.
Edwina went behind the counter to grab a paper bag to carry her skirt. I followed her, and went back to Kyle.
“So, I’ll go now, see you tomorrow!” Edwina said, waving goodbye and smiled cheekily at me.
“Let’s go,” Kyle said, and led me through the mall.
We went to a Italian restaurant in the mall. It had a romantic atmosphere. I kept imagining what would happen later tonight in my head – maybe I’ll lose my first kiss tonight – and chuckled to myself.
“What’s so funny?” Kyle looked up from the menu.
“Nothing,” I blushed.
Then the waiter came and took our order. They were all guardians of heaven. Each of them had a different job, like being a waiter, or a messenger.
We talked and laughed happily through the meal; Kyle was a really funny and nice boy. He seemed like a gentleman.
When we finished our meal, we went to the indoor park for a walk. It was very dark at the park, as it was meant to look like a park at nighttime.
We walked closer and closer to each other, and our hands brushed against each other’s. Suddenly Kyle grabbed hold of my hand, and intertwined our fingers. We continued to walk, but came to a stop in front of a lamppost.
“(Yn), you’re a really nice girl, you have a great sense of humor and you’re very beautiful,” Kyle turned to look at me.
“Thanks,” I blushed, and looked down.
Kyle put his hand under my chin, and made me look at him. I stared into his brown eyes, and our face leaned closer, our lips almost touching…
“(Yn)!” suddenly someone called, “This is very urgent! Come with me!”
We broke our romantic moment and looked at the person who just interrupted. It was Robert the messenger. I had a bad feeling about this, as he usually delivered messages to angels chosen to go back to human world to help people.
“I’ll come with you,” Kyle said, not letting go of my hand.
So we both followed Robert to wherever we were heading to.

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