Fall from Heaven

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“No! I want to go back! NO!” I shouted, trying to escape from the grasp of the force that was pulling me back to Earth, away from heaven.
My eyes shot open. I sat up straight, panting. It was a dream.
I buried my face in my hands. I really did not want to go back to human world. I was so scared that maybe I would not be able to get back, and that I would never get to see my parents and Edwina and… Kyle again.
Speaking of Kyle, I was actually quite shocked that I had met such a charming guy. But when I finally got to find someone, I had to leave. That was not fair. I was a bit angry at that boy, John.
I did not think I could sleep anymore, and it was not like I needed sleep, so I walked out of my room, down to the living room. I could hear whispers.
“I’ll miss her so much,” I could hear Mum sob.
“I know, honey, I will too,” it was Dad, “Let’s just hope that she could finish her job soon.”
I could not help but let my tears fall silently. I wish I could take away the pain my parents were feeling. This back-to-human-world thing was brand new to me and my family, as we did not really know anyone who had done it before. We just heard about it from some others and the idea seemed scary. We knew nothing about what would happen.
I retreated back to my room, not wanting to interrupt my parents, as they were already so sad. I would not be able to control my tears once I was with them, and with them being like this.
I sat down on my bed, looking around. I guess I did not have to pack anything.
I stared into space for an hour, until it was six. I stood up, and changed my clothes to something nice, trying to make myself feel better. I avoided the skirt Edwina and I got yesterday, because I thought wearing it would just make Edwina and maybe Kyle feel more depressed. So I put on a flowery tank top, a rose pink cardigan and a pair of white denim hot pants, with a pair of beige ballet flats.
“Morning,” I walked down the stairs, greeting my parents as I saw them on the sofa, cuddling. I tried to sound and look as normal as usual.
“Morning, sweetheart,” Mum stood up, and hugged me. I could tell she was trying very hard not to cry. She sniffed. I pulled away after what seemed like forever, and could see that her eyes were all puffy.
Dad looked more or less the same too. I gave him a hug.
We ate breakfast, all acting normal, laughing at the great times we had had, back on Earth and also in heaven.
When Mum was cleaning up the table, the doorbell rang. I went to open the door. It was Kyle and Edwina. Kyle was holding a bunch of roses.
“Hey, (Yn),” Kyle kissed my cheek, and handed me the flowers, “These are for you.”
“Thanks,” I sniffed the flowers. This was the first time ever I had received flowers from a boy.
“Oh, (Yn),” Edwina hugged me, and sniffed. I hugged her back, enjoying the moment.
“Kids, we should go now,” Dad said behind me, with Mum by his side.
We all arrived at the conference hall. We went to the reception, and the receptionist instructed us to go to the same room as the one yesterday.
I knocked on the door, “Come in!” I could hear Max called.
We all filed into the room. Max did not seem surprised with so many people coming with me. I thought most people who were chosen had had this many people with them when they left. We all fitted in the small room.
“So, I guess you’re (Yn)’s parents?” Max motioned for us to sit down – I suddenly realized that there were exactly enough chairs for all of us – and asked my parents.
“Yes,” Mum replied, “She really has to do this?”
“I understand your feeling but she must do it,” Max said, and gave Mum a small smile.
We discussed about the matter again, and it turned out that I would be John’s new neighbor and I would be living on my own. I had never taken care of myself; my parents were always there! But the ultimate task was to make John see sense again.
“So, that’s all for the details,” Max said, and he led us to another room. The room was a big one, with a whirlpool on the floor in the middle.
“This is the portal room. You go into the whirlpool, and you’ll fall down to Earth,” Max told us, “But only the chosen ones can fall through. Others will just get blocked from falling in.”
Max demonstrated for us, and he just walked across the whirlpool like he was walking on solid floor, “(Yn), you just have to walk like this and there you go.”
Then Max left the room for us to do our farewell.
“(Yn), you’re the best friend anyone can ever have,” Edwina started to cry and hugged me so tight that I thought I was choking, but I did not care, I hugged her back instead, “I’ll miss you so much. I love you.”
“I love you too, and don’t cry okay?” I let go of her and smiled at her, trying not to cry myself, but failed, “You can always see me from the well, I’ll wave to you.”
“Okay…” Edwina took a step back, trying to smile through tears, and giving me space for me and my parents.
“Oh, (Yn)!” Mum threw her arms around me, and Dad joined in.
“I love you kid,” Dad said, his voice hoarse, “I always do.”
“I love you too, Dad,” I said, “And I love you Mum.”
“Love you too,” Mum kissed me on the cheek.
They let go of me, and it was Kyle’s turn to say goodbye.
“(Yn),” Kyle held both my hands, and said, “I know we just met yesterday, but I already like you so much. You’re so fun and nice, and really, really pretty. I’ll miss you.”
“Kyle,” I grinned, “I feel the same too, you’re a gentleman and I do like you very much, I just hope we could get more time together.”
“I’ll wait for you,”
I hugged him. I whispered in his ear, “Do you know that you’re the first guy that has given me flowers and say that I’m pretty?”
Kyle pulled away, shock crossing his face, “Are you serious? Like seriously you’re really gorgeous! I’m surprised that your ex-boyfriends have never said something or done something like this,”
“To be honest, I’ve never had a boyfriend,” I admitted, sheepishly.
“Wow,” Kyle gasped, “I hope we would get more time together and know more about each other. Hopefully I could be your first boyfriend.”
I giggled, “So I should finish my job quick, or else someone else would be there before me – since you’re such a nice guy! And I better get going,”
I glanced at the whirlpool, and gulped.
I turned to face my loved ones again, “I love you guys, I promise I’ll be back soon,”
We had one last group hug and I backed into the whirlpool. I hit the edge of it and an unseen force pulled me towards the center. The last thing before I was entirely under the whirlpool was everyone waving goodbye.
Then I got into a white tunnel, and I kept falling, falling, falling… And suddenly everything went black.
When I opened my eyes, there was sunlight blinding my eyes.
“Aww!” I covered my eyes with my arm.
I stayed still for a few minutes, remembering what I was doing. I already missed my family and friends in heaven.
At last I sighed, and sat up. I sat up too quickly that I felt a bit dizzy. I had not felt like this ever since I had died. It felt so strange to be human again… To feel tired.
I looked around. I was in a bedroom, with nice wallpaper and furniture. The room was mainly in blue, my favorite color. I thanked whoever planned this silently. At least this made me feel a little bit better.
I walked over to the wardrobe, and saw some pieces of my favorite items that I got from heaven inside. I smiled slightly.
Then I walked around the house, and it looked really welcoming, with beige, blue and white being the main colors.
I decided to get out of the house. Once I opened the door, cool breeze. I guess it was early morning, and it was autumn. I should have put on some warmer clothes. I looked around, and I seemed to be in a nice and peaceful neighborhood.
Suddenly, I heard noises from the house next door. I looked to the right, and saw a blond girl walking out from the house, dressed in a black long sleeved shirt, a tight miniskirt and leather boots. Before she walked down the road in the opposite direction to me, she turned back to look at the front door and threw whoever it was there a flirty smile. When the girl had disappeared around the corner, someone stepped out from the doorway and stretched. I froze.
It was the blond boy. The one with pretty green eyes and hair that slightly covered his eyes. His hair was kind of messy right now. It was John Grimes.

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