✰here come the Hargroves ✰

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I groan as I try to pick up a box in my room labeled "y/n's clothes box 3." struggling to pick up the box and move it into the moving truck with my noodle arms that had absolutely no muscle, I call my brother, Billy, into my room. "BILLYYYYYY!" I scream to him downstairs.

Seconds later I hear Billy's loud stomps on the stairs coming up to my room. "What the hell is it this time y/n?! Dads making me carry the kitchen table into the truck, so you better get to your damn point." Billy says in frustration. "jesus, I just was going to ask if you could carry this box down to the moving truck, no need to be so rude."

I roll your eyes and try picking up the box again. At this point I've gotten use to my brothers rudeness, he's been like this since basically forever. There was once when we actually got along.. and he actually loved me, but that's history. Nowadays, all we do is fight, which usually results him to hitting, slapping, punching, threatening or kicking me. Pretty abusive, right? I know, but I've gotten use to it. He doesn't scare me like he use to.

Billy groans in annoyance, pushes me aside and picks up the box without any problems. "You owe me for this sis." He says while smacking his peppermint gum so loud I'm pretty sure Africa could hear it. And with that, he exits my room.

I look around my empty room, that use to be filled with a tv, desk, vanity, nightstand, bed, clothes of all patterns and colors, and so much more. A single tear falls down my cheek as i remember all the memory's i had in this bedroom.

I remember the first time we moved into this house when I was only 6 and Billy was 11. I remember when Billy would always sneak into my bedroom to play candyland or just talk about our days after mom and dad went to bed. I remember when my parents would sit at the edge of my bed and read billy and I a bedtime story. He would always got to pick since he was the oldest, which never made sense to me but I never fought it. After mom and dad where done with one book, we would beg for another, then another.

That's when our family was actually.. happy. Our mom passed away when I was only 9 and Billy was 14. After that, our family basically fell apart. My dad got depressed and rarely went to work, and my brother become a total.. how do I put this? Dick. Billy stopped caring about everything. School, his family, his future, EVERYTHING. We thought he would grow from it, just like me and my dad did.. but he never did. It still hurts him, even though he never shows it. I on the other hand have healed, but obviously it still hurts me as well. But now, we're about to have a new stepmom, and a new sister. How fun, am I right? If you couldn't tell... I was being sarcastic.

I was snapped out of my thoughts to my rude ass brother snapping his fingers infront of my face to get my attention. "I don't know what the fuck you where just daydreaming about, but dads about to be pissed if you don't get your lazy ass in the car!!" And just as he says that, he leaves my room.

I roll your eyes, wait for my brother to be out of sight and stick my middle finger up at him. Obviously I wouldn't do that to his face, because he'd probably kill me... literally. Well, I guess it's time for a new start.

Hawkins Indiana, here come the Hargroves!

the best decision I've ever made|| will byers x female readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz