✰it's true ✰

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Eleven shakes in fear. Tears start to roll down her face and she falls onto my lap. I have no idea what's going on, so I just wrap my arms around El and tell her that everything's going to be ok. I look at Max and we both struggle to figure out what's going on.

After minutes of trying to calm El down, even tho we have no idea whats going on, she finally takes a deep breath and stops sobbing. She gets off of my lap and looks at me and Max. We can read her eyes, and it says nothing but fear and worry.

"El... w-what's going on?" Max trembles as she looks at Eleven with concern. "Billy... he's in trouble." El says as she looks at us, then back at the ground.

"H-He's in trouble?!" I ask with surprise. Even tho he literally hits me everytime he sees me.. he's my brother. I cant let anything happen to him. "How is he in trouble?!" Max asks with concern.

"He looked at me.. his eyes where black. He had light grey skin, and black veins running down body.." El says as tears start to form in her eyes once again. "Oh my god... you don't think...." Max says as her eyes widen and she covers her mouth.

El nods. "It's the only reasonable answer." She says as she grabs my hand. I look at her and raise my eyebrow. I have no idea what's fucking going on right now.

"Y/n... if our predications are correct.. B-Billy is being possessed, by the mind flayer." El struggles to say.

"uh WHAT?!" I say with absolute shock. "Mind flayer? BILLY? There's no way in HELL. It's not possible!!" I yell as I stand up from El's bed. "What would the mindflayer want to do with my hobo of a brother?!" I ask with A LOT of attitude.

"Look y/n.. Billy's our family, and obviously we're going to help him, no matter what it takes. But maybe we could be mistaken." Max says as she looks at El. Eleven nods. "Yeah, my visions aren't always one hundred percent accurate, but what I saw... it was horrible and terrifying." Eleven says as she closes her eyes to try to clear the thought.

But then I remember... OH MY GOD. When veins started coming out of Billy's arms, and when his eyes turned pitch black. It's true.. I saw it with my own eyes. HOW COULD I BE THIS BLIND?! Billy hasn't been home in two days, and it's not like he has any friends around here. It's true....

"Y/N?!" Max yells as she snaps her fingers infront of my face. "It's true... everything you saw El, it's true." I sigh and sit back on the bed.

"What do you mean it's true?!" Max asks as she raises an eyebrow at me. "I saw it with my own eyes.. Billy was cooking breakfast. Then, his eyes went pitch black and black veins started covering his forehead and arms.. it's all true." I say as I cover my mouth and before I know it, tears start running down my face.

"Oh my god y/n..." El starts as she pulls me into a warming hug. Max rubs circles around my back, reassuring  she's here for me as well. "I cant believe it... my stepbrother.. is possessed by the mindflayer, and could get hurt.." Max says as a tears fall from her eyes and start rolling down her face.

I finally pull away from El's grip and look her in the eyes. "H-How are we going to help my brother?" I stutter. "I don't know yet y/n..." El starts. "How about we just get a good nights sleep and figure this out in the morning? It's already ten o'clock." Max states as she points to the clock.

Me and El look at eachother and nod. Eleven then walks to her closet and hands me and Max some clothes to sleep in. We then all change.

El gave me a hot pink oversized t shirt with white short shorts.

El gave Max an orange t shirt that says "orange county" and some black leggings.

El wore her light pink and white nightgown.

We all squished onto El's bed and tried to fall asleep, but it was no use. We all stayed up, brainstorming ideas on how to help Billy and what to do it we can't, and also who we should tell about this.


As soon as my head hit the pillow, thoughts started rushing into my head. Thoughts such as, what if we can't help Billy? What if this thing inside him hurts him?! What if he dies? What if he actually hurt that girl. What if he's killing other people?! Possible scenarios wouldn't stop rushing too my head.

Even tho I basically hate Billy, I still love him. I mean, he's my stepbrother. Our relationship is what you can call a love-hate relationship. Even tho I can barley give two shits about him, I don't want him to be in danger. The mindflayer and the upside down is NO JOKE. They won't stop until they get what they want.. which is Eleven.


"Hurry up Max!!" Billy says as he calls my name.

My mom and Neil instructed me and Billy to go to the local grocery store to get some more spaghetti sauce for dinner.

I honestly don't know why y/n couldn't have just gone, I mean it's HER brother after all.

Once I get my mom and Neil broken up, I won't have to care about this worthless family anymore.

Apparently our parents wanted us to go as "a bonding experience." Woah, yeah because that's going SO WELL.

Billy and I approach a sidewalk with no crosswalk. The highway was storming with cars, they weren't stopping for us anytime soon. Billy grabbed my hand, and I flinched at first. Of course Billy's never hit me before, but I've seen him hit y/n.

"Please, I'm not going to hurt you." Billy laughs and rolls his eyes. "I'm not trying to be responsible for you if you get hit by a car." Billy says as he grips my hand even tighter.

"Even tho your a worthless piece of shit, your still... I guess meaningful to me?" Billy questions himself. He then sees an opportunity for us to cross the road. He yanks me and starts dragging me with him. I then see a car speeding by, so I stop. I stop dead in the middle of the highway. I let go of Billy's hand and just stand there, literally WAITING for a car too hit me.

"MAX WATCH OUT!!" Billy screams as he sees a car heading my direction and inches away from hitting me. I scream and cover my head. Seconds later, I find myself lying on the sidewalk, with Billy ontop of me.

He saved me. He saved my life. If it wasn't for Billy, I would've been dead.

Billy gets off of me and sees my face. I tremble with fear, not being able to move.. not being able to talk. Billy sees how traumatized I am, so he wraps his arms around me and rocks me back and fourth.

I cant help but to start crying. I literally almost lost my life, and the one person I despise the most.. he saved me. I'm now wrapped in his arms, loudly sobbing into his shoulder.

Seconds later, I hear quiet sobs coming from Billy. Was he crying over me? What would he have done if I actually got hit? Would he actually care?

We stayed on the sidewalk for a whole hour, tangled up in each others arms. People where starring at us, but we didn't care. All we cared about was that we where ok.. and that we didn't lose eachother.

Today, I've seen a side of Billy I've never seen before. A Billy who really cares. A Billy who saved me because deep down, he actually loves me.

Too bad that Billy didn't stick around for long...


I quietly sob into the pillow so nobody can hear me. What am I going to do?! I cant put my stepbrother in danger.

I need to save him, and I need to do it quickly.

the best decision I've ever made|| will byers x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now