✰what a gentlemen ✰

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I just got home from summer camp, and I thought my friends forgot about me.. turns out they did the opposite. They surprised me. This is why I literally love them with all of my heart. Anyways, I accidentally sprayed hairspray in Lucas's face, that's always fun. Then I greeted Mike and El. Then, onto one of my all time favorites. Will. I got done greeting Will and turned to a girl who I've never seen before. She had gorgeous brown hair that went just below her shoulders. She had blue eyes and light freckles that went along her cheeks. She looked like a model, she had to be. She was absolutely stunning. But, then I noticed her and Will holding hands. What, are those two a thing or something?! Is that why she's here?! UGH DUSTIN STOP BE NICE!! She can become your friend, nothing more. Plus, you have a girlfriend that you have yet to tell everyone about.


The rest of the party where catching up, with them telling everything Dustin missed while Dustin told them everything that happened during camp. "OH, and I made these cool gizmos!! Let's check them out!" Dustin exclaimed as he jumped off the couch and ran into his room.

Me, El and Mike looked eachother, shrugged and followed Dustin. El and Mike ran after him, but obviously I couldn't. Will got up and looked at me struggling to get off the floor. He chuckled at first because I looked absolutely ridiculous trying to get up on my own. I looked at what was first a chuckle and is now hysterical laughing, and flipped Will off. He playfully rolled his eyes and put his hand out infront of me, gesturing to help me up. "Wow, what a gentleman for laughing at me and helping me up a minute later." I laugh as I take Will's hand and use all my strength to balance myself up.

Will held onto my shoulder and guided me to Dustin's room, me limping on my foot because it fell asleep. I swear- this happens every five minutes and it's starting to get so fucking annoying. We both finally arrived to Dustin's room and saw him pulling out random things that looked like he made in art class out of his bookbag. Me and Will looked at eachother, shrugged and sat ourselves down next to El and Mike.

"And THIS..." Dustin says as he pulls out an invention with a windmill. "Is a foreverclock." Dustin says as he pulls a switch to spin the windmill. "Powered by wind, very useful in the appacalips." Dustin says as he places the invention in Will's hand. Will looks at the gizmo with confusion as he tried work it himself.. let's just say it didn't go too well.

"THEN!!" Dustin exclaims. "I give you.. the SLAMMER." He says as he powers on the invention and starts motioning it towards me. I wrap my arms around Will's and put my head into his shoulder, leaning away from the invention and pulling Will with me. "Pretty neat, huh?" Dustin questions as he smiles. Me and El looked at eachother "with what the hell is this man doing" looks. Mike and Will actually seemed to be enjoying this, I mean sure.. if you want to get slammed by the slammer, be my guest.

"Now THIS, this is my masterpiece." Dustin says as he grabs his bag and plops it on the floor infront of him. "May I introduce you to..." Dustin says as he unzips his bag. "Saribro." Dustin says with a huge smile permanently plastered on his face by now.

"...what exactly are we looking at?" Mike questions the question we where all thinking. "An unassmebled, one of a kind, radio battery tower." Dustin says like it was normal and looked down at his bag. Us, on the other hand, we're still confused as fuck. We just kept giving eachother glances, seeing if the other knew what the hell Dustin was talking about.

"This baby is solar powered. It can reach from the North Pole all the way to the South Pole." Dustin says. "And I can even talk to my girlfriend on here." Dustin says as he wiggles his eyebrows and smiles even wider. I don't know how that was possible but.. it was.

As soon as the word "Girlfriend" came out of Dustin's mouth, Will, Mike and El turned towards eachother, widened their eyes, looked back at Dustin and said at the same time: "GIRLFRIEND?!" They all questioned.

Dustin nodded his head and looked at all of us, smiling like crazy. We all looked at him and returned the smile. Even tho I had no idea why everyone was so excited that Dustin had a girlfriend, I played along too. I mean of course I was happy for him, but I was lost.

"Wait, so her name is Susie?!" Mike questions as he carries a chair setup. "Suzy with a Z!" Dustin exclaims. "She's from Utah!" Dustin says as he keeps leading everyone to the front door. "Girls go to science camp?" Will questions curiously. I slap his arm and narrow my eyes at him.

"Uh, OUCH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Will whimpers as he holds his arm that now has a red spot from where I slapped him. "Did you really just question it girls can go to science camp?! Obviously girls can go to summer camp bimbo, I did!!" I roll my eyes and keep walking, but see Will starring at me with a smirk plastered on his face out of the the corner of my eye.

"Is she cute?!" Mike asks as his arms start to get tired from carrying all of this equipment. "Think Phoebe Cates, only hotter." Dustin says as he finally reaches the front door and wiggles the doorknob.

"What's going on?" Max says as she stands up straight from helping Lucas get the hairspray out of his eye to see everyone heading out of the front door. "We're going to talk to Dustin's girlfriend!" Will exclaims as he walks out of the door, with me hanging onto his arm.

"GIRLFRIEND?!" Max and Lucas question as Lucas raises his head up from the sink, still having hairspray in his eyes. They both look at eachother, widen their eyes and start running out the door following the rest of the party.

the best decision I've ever made|| will byers x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now