✰he knows we're here ✰

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I look around El's empty cabin, trying to find someone or something. "Will?" I call out calmly, seeing if he would answer... or if he's here.

"Will?" I call out for the second time, finally getting up from the floor and walking around. "WILL?!" I yell, getting scared. "WILL? WILL?!" I scream, getting worried.

"He can't hear you in here." I hear a familiar voice tell me. I turn my head around to see Billy, standing right in front of me.

I gasp and start backing up, not knowing if this is my brother Billy or the mind flayer. "You shouldn't have looked for me." Billy says with no emotion at all.

"Because now.... I see you." Billy expresses, burning out his cigarette. "Now we can ALL see you." Billy declared with a smirk on his face.

Now I know what he means... there's more than two. There's WAY more than two. This is my fault, MY FAULT. If I didn't spy on Billy, none of this would've happened.

"YOU... let us in." Billy says, moving closer to me. "Now, YOU are going to have to let us stay." Billy announces, still walking closer to me as I back up.

Tears start rolling down my cheeks. I don't know what to do, Billy- the mind flayer said nobody can hear me in here... h-how am I suppose to get out?! How are they suppose to help me?! Is he going to kill me?! I don't know what to do...

"ALL THIS TIME, we've been building it. We've been building it.... for you, and your twin sister there. ALL FOR YOU TWO." Billy states as I start to loudly sob.

"All of it... for you." Billy says, smirking widely. At this point, I'm up against the kitchen counter. I have no where to run.. no where to go. Whatever Billy wants to do to me... nobody's stopping him.

"And now it's time. Time to end it. And we're going to END YOU. And then when your gone, we're going to end your friends." Billy explains evilly. "NO!!" I cry out, the only word I could get out.

"And then, we are going to end... EVERYONE." Billy says with tears dripping down his face. I could see that the real Billy is still in there, and that he doesn't want any part of this... I just don't know how to get him out.

"GET AWAY!!!!" I scream, putting my hand out and using my telekinesis to throw Billy onto the wall, pushing him back.

"NO!!!!" I scream, ripping my blindfold off my face. "Y/n, Y/n it's okay it's okay y/n!!" Will calmly says as he wraps his arms around me, rocking me back and fourth.

"Y/n, everything's going to be okay. I'm here, I'm here now. I'm not letting anything happen to you." Will says trying to calm me down, but nothings helping.

What I just saw... Billy's tragic memories of him and my family, my mom for the first time in five years, and Billy telling me the mind flayer is going to kill me, my friends then everyone... I cant comprehend it.


"H-He said he was.. building something." I stutter, still trying to get past the traumatic events I experienced an hour ago.

"And.. it was all for El and I." I say, looking at Eleven with sympathy. "Building something... is he talking about the flayed?" Max asks in curiousness.

"He must be." Nancy answers Max. "So he's building an army, just like we thought." Lucas affirms, crossing his arms. "Yeah, but he's not building this army to spread." Mike adds.

"He's building it to stop y/n and El." Will chimes in, still holding me like he has been for the past hour now. "Last year, El closed the gate on him. I have a feeling that REALLY pissed him off." Mike explains.

the best decision I've ever made|| will byers x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now