✰cool beans ✰

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We all squish behind the wall as we hear the front door open, and voices yelling, echoing across the house.

"MOM, THEY NEVER ANSWERED ME BACK! WHAT IF THEY FORGOT?!" A voice yelled that sounds like a boy who's DEFINITELY going through puberty. "Dusty I bet they are just busy!!" I heard a women like voice say. I figured out the voice to be Dustin's mom, Mrs. Henderson and the boy voice with an awfully lot of voice cracks, Dustin.

"MOMMM! They wouldn't forget!! We've been planning my welcome back home schedule for months now!" Dustin exclaims. The voice starts to get lower and more unclear. It sounded like he switched rooms, then I realized that he went into his room.

I looked at Will and slightly smiled. He then looked down at me and returned the smile. I felt something grip my hand, so I looked down to see Will's fingers intertwined with mine. I start smiling like an idiot, but I just pretend I don't notice.

A solid two minutes go by and I start getting bored. Plus standing on this leg for this long.. not a good idea whatsoever. "Ok, showtime!!" Mike says as he turns his head to El, nodding at her. El then closes her eyes and looks like she's constipated to be honest. The hell was going on?!

"Oh yeah, I forget to tell you.." Will whispers into my ear that sends shivers down my spine. "Eleven has super powers, telekinesis to be exact." He says as he looks down at me to see my reaction.

I honestly didn't have a reaction. Everything that my brain has taken in the past two days, i wasn't even surprised. I looked up at him, since his body hovered over mine considering how tall he is, and nodded. Next thing we know, me and Will look out of the corner of our eyes to see a toy robot and R2D2 moving on the other side of the wall. Me and Will then looked at eachother and tried to hold in our laughs because of how clueless Dustin looked. He even carried a can of hairspray to "protect" him. Sorry sir, but I don't know how far that's going to take ya.

Lucas looks at all of us and waves his hand, signaling us to follow him. Max, El, Mike, Will and I followed behind him, sneaking up on Dustin. He bent down to see the toys have stopped moving and he looked awfully confused.

Lucas turned to all of us and counted on his fingers 3....2....1.... "SURPRISE!!" We all shouted as Mike and Max blow a nose maker.

Then.. it all happened so quickly. The curly haired boy jumped at the shock, turned around and sprayed a can of hairspray into Lucas's face. Just his luck, am I right? Well, that's what he gets for being the leader of this operation, or so he liked to call it. All I know is that when I snapped back out of my thoughts, Will was holding me, bridal style. I awkwardly laughed and rubbed the back of my neck. "A little scared aren't you now?" Will laughs as he continues to hold me. "Uh... NO! Scared? Not me definitely not me!" I say as I position my legs off of Will's arms and back on the floor. I first slowly put my fractured first down first, then jump down with my other.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Dustin yells as he finally stops spraying the hairspray in Lucas's face. "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT MY EYES MY EYES!" Lucas exclaims as he tries to rub his eyes. Max tries to help Lucas by positioning his hands where the hairspray is to rub it all out. "For fuck sake, can anything EVER go right with the two of you?!" Max says as she rolls her eyes, puts her hands on Lucas's shoulders and leads him to the kitchen sink.

Me and Will hold eachothers mouth closed, about to burst out laughing at any minute. Jesus Christ this is one of the most hilarious things I've probably ever seen.

"Well.. that got off to a rough start." Dustin shrugs and starts walking towards El and Mike. Dustin wraps his arms around the two and brings them in for a group hug. "I've missed you so much Dustin." El says as she rests her head ontop of Dustins. "Me too El, Me too." Dustin says softly as he enjoys the short hug he gives the two. Then, he moves onto me and Will. "WILL MY MAN!!" Dustin exclaims as he does some weird bro handshake with Will that lasts for what feels like an hour and finally brings him in for a hug. "DUDE I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Will yells into Dustin's ear. I wasn't even the one he was hugging, but I'm pretty sure my eardrums are now busted.

Dustin finally pulls away from Will and acknowledges me for what seems like the first time. I finally got a full look at the boy. He had curly light brown hair, he was pretty skinny, wore a hat and a shirt that had "Camp no where" printed on the front. "Uh, hello there." Dustin awkwardly says as he stands Infront of me. "It doesn't seem like we've met. I'm Dustin, and you are?" He puts out his hand and raises an eyebrow at me, waiting for an answer. Instead, I just wrap my arms around him. Even tho I didn't even know the guy, it just felt right.

Dustin laughed and to my surprise, wrapped his arms around me too. To be honest I thought I would startle him or even scare him by my actions, but he just hugged back. UGH, I love him already. About ten seconds later, Dustin finally unwrapped his arms around me and examined my face. "Did you guys go get a new party member to replace me while I was gone?!" Dustin says kiddingly as he nudges my shoulder. I awkwardly laugh and look up at Will, then back down at my hand to see somehow his sneaked onto mine. I rolled my eyes playfully and got myself back into Dustin's conversation.

"Dude, hell no!!" Mike says as he walks up to Dustin and hugs him once again. "We could never replace you, Dusty." Mike laughs and nudges Dustin's arm. Dustin just stands there and gives Mike the death glare. He must've learned that one from Max. A classic.

"You still never told me who you are." Dustin questions as he turns back to me. "Oh.. uh my names y/n, y/n Hargrove." I say my name confidently and smile. "Oh ok cool! Well, I'm Dustin Henderson, nice to meet you!!" He says with a huge smile. Awee his smile was adorable. "Oh, and she's also Max's stepsister." El says as she points to Max, trying to wash the hairspray out of Lucas's eye. "Oh yeah, kinda forgot about that part." I awkwardly laugh and look at the ground. "Woah, I've been gone for two months; and Max has a SISTER-" Max cuts off Dustin. "STEPSISTER!!" She yells from the kitchen while holding Lucas's head under the sink.

"Oh ok stepsister, cool beans." Dustin says, immediately regretting the cool beans part. I laugh at his awkwardness and nudge Will's shoulder.

I liked this boy already.

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