✰i like Will Byers ✰

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Our group walks inside an ice cream parlor named Scoops Ahoy. The place actually looked quite cool. It had blue, white and red striped walls, the workers where all in uniform and the seats where built like boats. Fun. I thought to myself.

As we approached the front, a girl with short reddish/brownish hair rolled her eyes. "Hey dingus your children are here!!" She exclaims and seconds later, the windows yank open and we all see a man with brown hair with an Ahoy hat on. Not going to lie, he was kind of hot.

"Again? Seriously?!" The brown groans in annoyance. Mike stares at him, and just rings the bell again. Before we know it, the man took us behind the counter and into this hallway behind the shop. I obviously didn't know what was going on, so I just ran with everyone else.

The man watched as we all ran down the hallway looking like lunatics. "I swear if anyone hears about this-" "WE'RE DEAD"! Mike, Max, Lucas and Will yell at him.

Soon after, we all get into the movies. Mike sits next to Lucas, Lucas sits next to Max, Max sits next to Will and Will sits next to Me. I lean back in my recliner movie chair and wait for the movie to start.

Will starts digging through his backpack to reveal some snacks. He starts handing them out to everyone, but then gets to me. "O-oh I'm so sorry y/n.. I didn't know you where coming, I would've gotten you something." Will frowns. "Don't worry about it Will!! I just ate before we came here." I say playfully hitting his arm to make him feel better. "Don't worry, if you want some we can share." Will smiles as he puts his family sized pack of skittles between the both of us.

We all start watching the movie, but a solid 5 minutes later, the movie goes out. All the lights, the screen, everything. Everyone just groaned, but me on the other hand, I was actually getting into the movie. "WHY DID I HAVE TO PAY FOR THIS OVERPRICED BULLSHIT?! I DEMAND A REFUND!!" I say as I stand up in my chair and yell so everyone can hear me. Good thing it was dark so nobody knew who said it.

Max grabs my arm and pulls me back down to my seat. "We didn't even pay dumbass!!" She whispers as she gives me the death glare. I couldn't see her but, I know it was there. "Oh yeah... whoops." I awkwardly laugh as I yank my hand away from her grip.

I look beside me to see Will, I could only see a little bit due to everyone finally bringing some type of flashlight out, but I saw him.. worried. He was holding his neck and just starred infront of him. "W-Will?" I stuttered as I put my hand on his shoulder. Nothing. He wouldn't move. He was frozen.

I started to get worried. "Mike!!" I whisper yell as I keep trying to get Will unfrozen. I knew Mike was Will's bestfriend, even tho I've only known them for 30 minutes now. I could see how close the two where.

Mike hears me calling him and hops over Lucas & Max's seat to get to mine. "What's the problem?" Mike asks as he sees Will, frozen.

"This is the problem." I say as I keep trying to snap Will out of whatever was happening. "Shit!! This isn't good.." Mike says as he puts his arm on Will's face to try to get some type of reaction.

Seconds later, the lights turned back on and the movie started rolling again. Will took his hand off his neck and unfroze. He was still a little shocked about whatever happened.

"Oh shit the movies back on!!" Mike yells. "Ask if he's okay y/n, tell me what's going on later." He says as he hops back over Max and Lucas to get back to his seat.

Such a good friend move I think to myself. I lean over to Will and grab his hand, intertwining out fingers. "Is everything ok Will?" I ask in fear, because I have no idea what the hell just happened. "Y-yeah I'm fine!!" Will stutters. I could see it in his eyes.. he was not fine. And he was still shaking, I could feel the vibration in my hand.

"Whatever happened, just know im here for you.. okay?" I slightly smile and I move closer to Will. "Thank you y/n. So much." He slightly smiles as well and continues to watch the movie, but I could tell something was on his mind.

An hour later the movie gets done and everyone starts exiting the theater. My hand was still in Will's as we got up from our seats and followed the crowd. Something about being around Will just made me... happy. Like really happy. Wait.. do I like this kid!? There's no way! I've never actually liked someone before.. how do I even know what it feels like? I think to myself. "Y/nnnn?" Will hums my name as I snap out of my thoughts. "Oh sorry. I-I was just thinking.." I stutter as me and Will keep walking, now towards the exit sign of the mall.

As we step foot out of the mall, we see Susan waiting for me and Max. We where just going to ride out bikes but Susan wouldn't allow it this late at night. Will and I wait for the rest of the group outside because their being super slow.

About a minute later Max, Lucas and Will finally come out, laughing and pointing at eachother. Max sees her mom waiting and she hugs Lucas goodbye, and does some weird handshake with Mike. She comes over to Will and high-fives him, then hops in Susan's car.

"Well.. I really had fun with you tonight Hargrove." Will says with a slight smile. "Me too Byers!! Thank you for sharing your skittles with me." I giggle as i finally let go of Will's hand. "Anytime. I'll see you around?" He says with kind of a frown. "Of course!! Catch you later Byers!!" I start walking away from him and wave to him, Lucas and Mike.

I hop into Susan's car and shut the door. "Well well well" Max starts. "I see you hit it off with Byers very well." She says with a slight smile. "I did? Oh.. I guess I did." I nervously laugh. I didn't know how Max would feel about me liking one of her bestfriends. From what I heard, they where a party or something? I have no idea in hell what that means, but I obviously wasn't in it.

"To be honest, I wasn't to fond of you coming tonight y/n, but your starting to grow on me." She giggles as she nudges my shoulder. I smile back. "Well, I'm glad you two girls are finally getting along!!" Susan says with excitement as she turns around to both of us.

"So.. do you like him y/n?!" Max asks with excitement. "I-I don't know.. how do you tell if you like someone?" I ask. "Well.. the person you like will ALWAYS make you laugh and leave you smiling. They always put you ahead of themselves and is comfortable around you." Max explains.

"....shit... then I like him. I like Will Byers." I say as a smile slowly spreads across my face.

the best decision I've ever made|| will byers x female readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ