✰this isn't going to be a fun trip ✰

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"SOMEONE, PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR SAFETY!! IS EVERYTHING OKAY? SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER ME!!" I scream into the walki talki, my voice echoing off the mountain.

....but no response.

I've been sitting here for the past five minutes screaming into that thing, but still no response. That can only mean one thing...

Their all in danger.. A LOT of danger.

Steve looks around curiously, then gets up and starts running to his car. "DUDE WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" I shout at Steve. "To get them the hell out of there!! Stay here, contact the others!!" Steve demands as he runs speedy fast to his car.

"Shit." Robin mumbles as she quickly gets off the ground and follows Steve. "Wait, Robin!!" I call out, getting her attention. "Stay in touch!!" I conceded, throwing the extra walki talki to Robin. She successfully catches it and nods, running after Steve.


It's been fiveteen hold minutes, and the Mind Flayer continues to look for us. We all stay hidden, not daring to move an inch.

Will and I have no idea where anyone else is, or if Dustin, Erica, Robin and Steve are coming to save us.. all we know is right now, we need to keep our mouths shut and keep hiding if we want any chance at survival.

The creature continues to hiss,  snarl, and stomp around the mall, trying to find us, destroying everything in its way.

Will peeks his head over the counter, looking at the Mind Flayer. I quickly pull him back down, giving him the "what the fuck are you doing, do you want to be killed?!" look.

Will opens his mouth to speak, but before he does two shadows appear above us, then sit next to us.

Mike and Eleven.

"Jesus Christ there you guys are!!" I quietly exclaim, hugging El and Mike. "It's great to see you both too, but we need a plan.. and we need it fast." Mike demands.

"It's turned away. If we go up the stairs now, we'll make it." Will whispers in seriousness. "What?! No way, not with Y/n's leg!" El reminds the two boys.

Yeah, El's leg is hurt but she can still run on it. Mine is horrible, I cant even stand up for a split second without falling down. There's no way in hell I'll be able to make it.

And I'm still wondering... how did that creature get into my leg..  but not El's? Ok, I got bigger things to think about here, that's a question if we all make it out alive.

"We have to try!!" Mike argues with El. "There's another way." I announce, getting everyone's attention. "To get out. Through the gap." I whisper, pointing towards the GAP.

Will nods at me and peeks his head over the counter, looking at the distance between us and the GAP.

He then spots the Mind Flayer and immediately bends back down, not wanting to get caught. The creature still walks around, trying to find us.

"Okay, NOW." Will whisper yells as Mike, El, Will and I carefully but quickly stand up, Will carrying me in his arms as Mike hangs onto Eleven.

We all run inside the GAP, almost successfully when El accidentally runs into a piece of glass that landed on the gateway, shattering even more landing on the floor.

We all gasp, but don't turn back. We continue to run into the GAP, not wasting another second. The creature turns around and detects where the noise came from...

And trust me when I say it does.

The monster then starts screeching and growling even louder, making its way towards the GAP.. and towards us.

the best decision I've ever made|| will byers x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now