Chapter 7

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The minute she got home she was in the shower. She couldn't help but feel excited about this, but she knew she had to manage her expectations. It wasn't even a date. It was just two people going out for drinks, that would most likely end in a one night stand and then they'd leave it at that. It couldn't be more than that. She pulled a towel around herself, her hair in a messy bun on top of her head as she moved back into her bedroom, standing in front of the full length mirror. She couldn't shut up the voice in her head telling her this was a bad idea. Getting attached was a bad idea.

She groaned softly, throwing the towel into the laundry basket before pulling on the simple lace bra and panties she had ready and looked through the dresses hanging in her closet. They all seemed far too formal to just go for a drink in, but she should probably try to make an effort past jeans and a t-shirt. Her eyes caught sight of a bag at the bottom of the closet and she picked it up, biting her lip as she set the bag on the bed and pulled the dress out it. She'd bought it months ago and hadn't yet had the opportunity to wear it. She didn't even know why she had bought it, she never thought she'd be in a situation to wear it, but she liked it. It was a bit short, but it was exactly what she was looking for. She lay the dress out on the bed, going to finish her hair and to apply the bare minimum of make up before getting dressed. She didn't even know why she was putting so much effort into this. It was just drinks.

She'd just slipped her heels on when her phone buzzed on the side table, Derek messaging her to let her know he had arrived. She found herself subconsciously biting her lip as she read the message, taking a deep breath as she grabbed her keys, putting them in her bag with her phone. She ran her fingers through her hair one more time, checking herself in the mirror before leaving the apartment and heading down to the main lobby.

She looked up as the elevator doors opened to see Derek just outside the glass front entrance and her breath caught slightly. She'd seen him in his walking gear, and she'd seen him in his scrubs, but there was something different about seeing him in jeans, a shirt and blazer. He hadn't seen her yet, so she stopped a moment to admire him, thinking about the way he'd most likely spent a lot of time on his hair to perfect it, and he looked gorgeous. If she were someone with less self-control, she'd probably forgo the drinks and take him back upstairs with her. She took a deep breath and steadied herself a moment before heading out the door, her eyes on him as he turned at her movement to look at her.

"You... Hey," he breathed as their eyes met.

"Hey," she smiled slightly, biting her lip again.

"You look..." he shook his head a little with a slight grin, stepping toward her.

"You don't clean up too badly yourself," she said softly, her fingers fiddling with the watch she wore.

"That dress is just... perfect," he breathed, his hand reaching for hers.

"Oh, thanks," she smiled a little, feeling the slight heat on her cheeks as she let him take her hand in his.

"Where to?" He asked, gently squeezing her hand.

"It's just down the street, across the road," she gestured a little with her free hand as she stepped closer to him.

"Let's get going then," he dropped her hand to place his own at the small of her back as they walked to the bar, neither speaking just yet as they walked the short distance down the street.

Inside, they stood by the bar, his hand still resting at the small of her back and she leaned into him slightly as they waited for the bartender to approach. Derek's lips lowered to her ear as he gently pushed her hair behind her ear.

"What's your drink?" He spoke quietly, but close to her ear so she could hear him over the noise of the busy bar.

"Tequila," she said with a smile up at him, gently biting her lip.

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