Chapter 35

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Her voice was shaky, but she managed to get the words out, trying to keep her breathing steady as possible, "Can I come and see you?"


She didn't even know why she was doing this, why she was calling him of all people. But her mind was thinking of that time, in the on-call room, when he'd just held her, and not asked questions. He'd just comforted her and let her be, and she really needed that right now. She needed to not be alone in her apartment, and anyone else would ask too many questions. She felt suffocated and she had to go.

"It's getting late," his voice sounded a little unsure, hesitant, "Is everything okay?"

"I, uhm – no, not really," she laughed humourlessly, bringing her thumb to her mouth, biting slightly at the thought he might say no.

"Are you okay to drive?" he said, and she had to hold back an audible sigh of relief, "Maddie just got to sleep, but I can put her in the car if you need me to come and get you from somewhere, or I can get you cab?"

"I can call a cab, I had some wine earlier, and I...," her voice was timid, as though she was about to start crying at any moment, "I'll be about twenty minutes."

"Okay, text me when you get here," he said.

"Yeah, I will, see you soon," she practically whispered before hanging up the call.


He threw his phone down onto the couch, running his hands over his face a moment. He couldn't believe this was happening. She was so hot and cold with him, and he didn't understand it. One minute she wanted him to leave her alone and the next she was coming over at eleven at night because something had upset her. He couldn't say no to her, though. That's the last thing he wanted. If she was willing to let him in, or even just let him be there for her, he wasn't going to turn that down.

He moved around, picking up after Maddie from earlier when she'd decided they had to have a tea party. He tried to keep his mind focused, not to worry too much about the tone of Meredith's voice when she had called. But he couldn't help it. He couldn't help but be filled with complete worry at the shakiness of her words, the way she had whispered her words as if she couldn't speak any louder.

He hadn't even noticed the time passed when he heard a small knock on his front door, and he moved quickly to answer it, thankful it hadn't been loud enough to wake Maddie. He opened the door, immediately zoning in on her eyes. Tired, slightly red, vulnerable.

His first instinct was to pull her into his arms, but he knew that he couldn't just do that. He didn't want to startle her or have her pull away any more from him. He wanted to be there for her, and he was struggling trying to figure out the best way he could do that.

"Hey," he said quietly, stepping to the side to let her in, not missing the tears streaks on her cheeks, her timid demeanour as she moved inside.

"Hey, thanks for... I'm sorry to bother you so late, but I just... I didn't want to be alone," she murmured, clutching some form of book against her chest as she took her coat off.

"It's okay, I'm glad you called," he said with a soft smile, taking her coat from her, "Can I get you a drink or anything?"

"Water would be good," she nodded, smiling back slightly, but he could see the watery look in her eyes as she pressed her lips together.

"Come on then," he led the way into the kitchen, grabbing two glasses and filling them up with water.

"You've been preparing for tomorrow?" she said with a soft laugh, still a hint of sadness still lingering.

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