Chapter 49

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Meredith had offered to take Maddie home. She'd finished earlier than he had, and it was going to be late by the time he would've got her home. He'd have agreed regardless. Maddie loved spending time with Meredith, and it was good for her to have a positive female influence in her life.

It was now turning ten as he opened his front door, hearing only the murmur of the television coming from the living room. He'd thought Maddie would still be awake, wanting to see him before she went to sleep, the way she normally did when she stayed with anyone else when he worked late.

He dropped his bag by the door before going through into the living room, being met my Meredith's smile. "You look exhausted."

"I feel exhausted." He covered his mouth as he yawned, heading over to where she lay on the couch. "Is Maddie in bed?"

"No, she's here." Meredith pulled back the blanket to show Maddie curled up against her, fast asleep. "She's been asleep for about two hours now; I didn't want to move her."

"Oh." His breath escaped him as his heart squeezed, seeing his daughter sleeping there, completely serene.

"You okay?" She frowned slightly, holding her hand out to him.

"Yeah, I just." He shook his head, joining them on the couch and lifting Meredith's legs over his lap. "Tired."

"Rest here a minute." She tapped her hand against her abdomen with a soft grin.

He laughed slightly, moving so that he lay his head there, his eyes closing as her fingers ran through his hair. He could feel himself ready to fall asleep right there, his hand gently rubbing her thigh if only to keep him awake.

"How did the surgery go?" Meredith asked.

"Long, hard, successful." His voice came out as a murmur, and he opened his eyes to reach his hand over to Maddie's back, rubbing it gently. "How was she?"

"You know she's always perfect." Meredith laughed softly.

"I know." He sighed, smiling up at her. "I thought she might be more resistant to going to sleep, that she might insist on staying awake until I came back."

"She was perfectly happy to curl up on the couch with me, watch a movie until she fell asleep." Her fingers continued to play with his hair. "She mentioned staying up for you, but she fell asleep anyway."

"She usually tries that one, when she stays with my mom." He laughed softly. "Thank you for watching her."

"It's okay." She smiled, tugging his hair a little. "I'll watch her anytime."

"You're the best." He sighed, burying his face against her stomach. "We should go up to bed before I fall asleep here too."

"That might be a little uncomfortable."

His eyes closed as her fingers played with his hair still. "That feels good."

"What? Playing with your hair?"


"Good to know, but we really should move before you fall asleep."

"That's a good point." He groaned softly, sitting up again. "I'll put Maddie to bed."

"Are you sure? I don't mind." She offered, moving her legs off his lap so he could get up.

"It's okay." He stood, stretching before he leant down, pressing his lips to Meredith's a moment. "Don't move, wait for me."

"Okay." She grinned up at him.

He carefully lifted Maddie, making sure she stayed asleep as he held her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She fussed a little burying her head against his shoulder. "Shh, baby girl." He gently rubbed her back.

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