Chapter 19

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Jet lag was kicking her ass. She'd only been in LA for a couple days, but she still didn't feel right. She clutched the coffee in her hand, sat on a bench outside the hospital she'd been working at. She scrolled through the emails on her phone. Technically, she was back working again, and New York was waiting on a response to when she could visit for the consult. She wasn't even sure she'd definitely be able to do it, and she needed to see the girl in person to make a final decision.

She probably should've called Derek or messaged him. She was back in the country, and she did kind of imply she would once she was back, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. He would ask questions, about Italy, and she wasn't ready for that yet. She had to see Brian first anyway. She needed to get that over with, which is what she was waiting for.

He'd said he'd pick her up, so she was waiting for him. She hadn't seen him in person in just over two years, even though he'd asked to see her last year as well. Normally, she avoided having anything to do with him. How do you look a guy in the eyes when you're responsible for the death of his child?

She watched as his car pulled into the car park and she stood up off the bench, downing the rest of her coffee before binning the cup. She felt antsy, and nervous, and maybe caffeine had been a bad idea. She chewed on her bottom lip; her arms crossed over her chest as she waited for him to reach her.

The car stopped in front of her on the side walk and she watched as he got out, walking around to her. He really hadn't changed much. Same short, brown hair, and unshaven face.

"Hey," he said with a lopsided grin, approaching her for a hug.

"Hey," she breathed, accepting the hug, enjoying the familiarity of it as she buried her face against his neck.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his hand rubbing over her back.

"Yeah, I just... tired," she sighed as she pulled back from him, "jet lag."

"Where've you been?" he laughed softly, opening the car door for her.

"I got back from Italy two days ago," she said with a quick smile, "Haven't actually stopped since I landed."

"When do you ever stop?" he asked with a slight frown, getting back in the drivers seat.

"I... never, I never stop," she laughed slightly, fidgeting with her fingers.

"I heard you were playing chief for four weeks in Seattle," he said as he started the car.

"Don't remind me," she rolled her eyes, "I am not doing that again."

"You did always say you'd never do that job, why this time?"

"I thought it might get Ellis off my back for a bit, do her a favour," she shrugged, looking out the window, "it's was only supposed to be two weeks"

"Still hasn't realised there's no changing your mind about travelling?"

"I don't think she ever will," she laughed slightly.

"Good for Italian?" he asked, his hand touching her leg.

"You know I'm always good for Italian," she turned to him with a slight grin.

"So that hasn't changed?" he grinned back at her as he stopped the car.

"Definitely not," she shook her head slightly as she climbed out of the car.

"Have you changed at all?" he asked, walking beside her into the restaurant.

"I'm pretty sure I'm the person you met five years ago," she shrugged, her arms wrapped around her midsection as they waited to be seated.

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