Chapter 14

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Meredith Grey was on a date. She hadn't been on a date for at least five years, and even then she couldn't remember any significant time before that. It was nicer than she cared to admit. She was seeing a different side to Derek Shepherd. He'd been charming with her before, of course he had, but there was something different about this. He hung on to every word she said, he made her feel like the only person in the room. He was constantly complimenting her, and it made her feel amazing.

The whole time she had been getting ready she'd been itching to call it off. Send him a text and just cancel. Dating really wasn't her thing. She really didn't think it was her thing. Except, she was here now. She'd dressed up, he'd picked her up, and now they were sat having dinner, laughing over nothing as the conversation flowed so easily, and for a moment she wondered if she really could try this whole relationship thing with him. Would it really be so bad? Could he really understand if she had to drop everything and fly out for a week or two? Could she consider... she didn't want to finish that thought. She didn't think she had to change how she lived, or how she worked for him.

His hand linked with hers on top of the table as they waited for the bill to arrive, telling her about his first solo surgery. The way he spoke, the way he told stories, she couldn't help but listen to his every word. A soft laugh escaped her lips, unable to keep the soft grin off her face as he finished off his story and the waiter came by to take care of the bill, which Derek had pulled his card out for before she could even think to.

"Let me pay half," she said, squeezing his hand gently.

"Oh no, I asked you out to dinner, this is on me," he smirked at her, "You can pay next time."

"Next time?" she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes, next time. Let's get going," he dropped her hand as he stood up, holding out his hand for her again.

"Very confident of you," she commented, standing herself and taking his hand, letting their fingers join together again.

"You can't tell me you didn't enjoy this, you haven't stopped smiling all night," he laughed softly, pulling her closer as they stepped outside and wrapping his arm around her waist.

"I... I did," she murmured, her head moving to his shoulder as a slight blush tinted her cheeks.

"I'm glad," he pressed a kiss against the top of her head, and she shivered involuntarily, "Cold?"

"Hmm, a little."

"Let's get to the car then," he suggested, leading her to the car park.

"You have a nice car," she mused, staying close against him as they walked, seeking his body heat.

"I take pride in my car, it's possibly one of my favourite things in life," he chuckled softly as he unlocked the doors.

"One of?" she looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, one of," he murmured as he pressed his lips to hers a moment as they stood beside the car.

"What are your other favourite things in life?" she whispered as he moved her back against the side of the car.

"You'll just have to go on more dates with me to find out," he smirked, his lips finding hers again as his hands moved to her waist.

Her hands moved over his shoulders as she returned his kisses, that familiar pull she felt whenever she was with him making an appearance. She didn't know much about first dates, but she did know there was some rule about not having sex on the first date. She didn't think they'd be sticking to that rule.

They were interrupted by the ringing of his phone and he groaned softly, gently nipping her lower lip before pulling back and answering it. He motioned for her to get in the car before walking a little bit away to talk on the phone, seemingly angry at whoever had called. She frowned slightly, feeling more than a little out of place as she climbed in the passenger seat. She pulled out her phone, going through her emails as she waited for him to come back.

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