Chapter 12

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"How did you even come up with that?" Derek asked as they scrubbed out of surgery together.

"It's... gut instinct, maybe? I just had a feeling," she shrugged, drying off her hands with a small grin on her face.

"It has to be more than that," he grinned back at her, and she could feel a thrill run through her as their eyes met.

"Patient history is important, Dr Shepherd," she laughed softly as they left the small room, probably stood too close to one another as they walked through the hallways.

"And you were amazing in there, operating with you... it's something different. Good different. Amazing different," he said, and she couldn't help but agree with him.

"So that wasn't just me feeling that?" she found herself grinning wider, and really she was aching to feel his body pressed against hers again.

"No, I felt that too. Like... we knew each other's next moves even though we barely spoke," he tried to explain as they stepped on to the elevator, "even now it's like..."

"The intense need for you to be inside me?" she turned to look at him and spoke bluntly just as the doors closed.

"That's exactly what I'm feeling right now," he murmured, his hands moving to her waist as he pressed her back against the wall, his lips finding hers.

"Oh," she gasped softly at the quick movement, returning his kiss eagerly as her arms wrapped around his neck.

"I want you... naked..." he gasped between kisses, his hands moving up the inside of her scrub top, his fingers massaging against her skin.

"If only," she groaned against his lips, pressing her hips against his and feeling his obvious hard on against her, "Fuck, office, five minutes."

"You don't have to tell me twice," he murmured as his lips moved to her neck, his hands sliding into her scrub pants to grip her ass gently a moment before he let go, the elevator coming to a stop and the doors opening just as they separated from each other.

She started to pull her hair out of the plaits she'd put in for surgery as she quickly made her way to her office, doing her best to keep her breathing steady. She groaned inwardly when she arrived, finding Cristina sat on the couch, clearly waiting for her.

"What are you doing in here?"

"It's lunch. I'm ready for lunch. Are you ready for lunch?"

"Not right now, no," Meredith said, her teeth gritting together slightly in annoyance. Derek would be here any minute.

"We've had lunch at this time everyday since you got here," Cristina commented, and Meredith knew she was trying to figure her out, watching as she began closing all the blinds in the office.

"Not today, you need to go," Meredith said, giving her a pointed look as she took off her lab coat.

"You're in a mood," Cristina commented as she moved toward the door, "was it really that insufferable working with Shepherd?"

Before Meredith could respond, the office door opened and Derek stood there, closing his mouth as if he had been about to say something before he spotted Cristina. Meredith took a breath, her hands on her hips as she looked at Cristina.

"Cristina, please leave," she looked at her with pleading eyes, "please, go."

"Fine, fine," she rolled her eyes as she left the room, walking past Derek who had moved a little more inside, "I will find you later."

"Close the damn door," Meredith all but growled at him once Cristina had disappeared, and she pulled off her scrub top as Derek shut the door and locked it.

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