Chapter 16

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She couldn't stop watching the clock. She was antsy. Ellis had called an hour ago to tell her they'd landed and were on their way to the hospital. She really just wanted to get out of there. She'd already busied herself with clearing her things out of the office and her bag was sat ready to go.

"I have something for you," Derek's voice pulled her attention and she looked up at the open door with a frown, and he stopped with a look of confusion, "Your door is open, and why are you frowning?"

"I was hoping you'd be someone else," she sighed, "What have you got for me?"

"Well if you'd rather someone else was here I won't show you," he raised an eyebrow, leaning against the doorframe.

"That's not what I meant," she laughed slightly, standing up out of her chair, moving over to the window.

"Something's different. Something's going on. What's going on?"

"Nothing's going on," she shrugged, starting to pace as she fidgeted with her watch.

"You look like... I don't think I've seen you like this actually."

"I'm not like anything," she shook her head, turning to face him, "Are you going to show me what you've got?"

"Is something bugging you?" he moved closer to her.

"Nothing is bugging me. Don't you have patients?" she shook her head.

"None that need my attention right now. Are you waiting for someone? A meeting?" he reached for her hand and he let her take it, a smile forming on her lips.

"I get to leave soon," she linked her fingers with his.

"It's the middle of the day," he raised an eyebrow, lifting her hand to press a kiss to her knuckles.

"Your point?" she laughed softly.

"You're just leaving in the middle of the day?" he asked as he pulled her towards her, his other hand resting on her hip.

"Yes," she nodded, biting her lip.

"Leaving us all to our own devices?" he murmured, moving his lips toward hers.

"Never," she grinned.

"You're being secretive, and mysterious. I don't know if I like it," he breathed, gently touching his lips to hers.

"You're paranoid," she rolled her eyes, pushing her lips against his firmly.

Before he could deepened the kiss, her attention was taken by the voices coming down the hallway, and as if on instinct her back straightened and she took a step back from Derek, distancing herself from him.

"Move out of the doorway," she motioned for him to leave the room, but instead he moved further inside.

"What is going on with you?" he asked, his face scrunched up in confusion, but his question was soon forgotten.

"Meredith," her mother greeted her with a smile as she walked into the office with Richard, pulling her into a hug with a kiss on the cheek.

"Mom, Richard," she greeted them, returning her mom's quick hug before stepping back, her hand inching toward her bag that sat on the couch, "How was your flight?"

"Nothing exceptional," Ellis waved her hand before turning to Derek, "Dr Shepherd, good to see you."

"You too, Chief Grey. How was your trip?"

"Very successful. Are we interrupting?" Ellis gestures between the two of them, and Meredith felt like she was a teenager caught in her room with a boy.

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