Chapter 32

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A/N: Right, so I know people don't like Brian because he's not Derek, but he's not actually a bad person, he hasn't done anything to purposeful hurt or spite Meredith. It's a very complex situation and there are a lot of feelings involved. This is a MerDer endgame story, I just felt the need to delve deeper into their past relationships rather than just a typical boy hurts girl and girl moves on. They have a painful, hard history, and I want to do the whole story justice. It never even meant to happen this way; his character has just developed as I've been writing. So, this chapter is going to be Brian's POV, because judging by reviews, some people aren't fully understanding his role in this story. So, can we stop the Brian hate pls? He's just a lil' cinnamon bun.

The chapter after this we'll check in with Derek and Maddie, a break from the heavy and emotional.


He watched as she got up and walked out of the room, setting his own empty glass beside hers before running his hand through his hair. They'd never really talked like this before. He could tell by the look in her eyes that she kept going somewhere else, probably back to that time, just like he had been.

He'd always tried to see things from her perspective. He really did. Or at least he thought he did. She had a point. They had experienced it differently, from different viewpoints. They reacted differently.

He loved her. He loved her so much that it hurt, and he had never once stopped loving her. She was beautiful. She was feisty, and independent, and funny. She had so much passion for her job. For a time, he thought he was only interested in her for the chase. The thrill of it. The challenge. And somewhere along the way he'd fallen so deeply in love with her. He'd wanted to marry her; he was ready to marry her.

And then she was pregnant. By some complete miracle, she was pregnant. And God, if the look on her face when she told hadn't made him fall more in love with her, even when he'd thought it wouldn't be possible. She was everything to him, and he did everything in his power to protect her, protect their baby. But she was still that stubborn, feisty, independent woman he'd fallen in love with. She'd gone to New York. 

He'd tried to go with her. He'd tried to convince her to stay this one time. He hadn't wanted her away from him for a second. He hadn't left her side from the second she'd told him the news. And then the one time he couldn't go, the one time he was away from her, everything came crashing down around them.

The initial call had come through from the hospital, from Mount Sinai, and he knew it wasn't going to be good as soon as he'd answered the phone.


"Is this Brian Adamson?" the unnamed person on the other end of the phone asked.

"Speaking," he said, fear running through him. Why else would a hospital in New York be calling him? He was a good surgeon, sure, but eh didn't hold a candle to Meredith – he wasn't as well-known as she was.

"We have you down as the emergency contact for Meredith Grey, I've been asked to contact you as a matter of urgency, Dr Adamson," the voice explained, "And she's asking for you to get here as soon as you can."

"What's the problem? What's going on? Is she okay?" he rushed out, running his hand over his hair.

"She's gone into labour. They tried... Dr Montgomery is with her. They tried to stop the labour progressing, but nothing has worked. She's in the delivery room now," the voice said, pity laced in their tone.

He could barely process what was being said as he abruptly ended the call. He didn't want to believe it was happening. He hadn't been able to go to New York with her, he had a patient, he'd had work scheduled and she'd sprung it on him last minute. He'd let her go on her own. Well, not let her go. He didn't want her to go, but there was no stopping her. He should've moved things around, pushed his patients and made arrangements to go with her to New York. He'd left her alone, and by the time he got there... he didn't know what would be waiting for him in New York when got there. And he didn't want to know.

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