"Coming Dad!" She yelled giving Genji one last threatening glance.

The two walked into the kitchen where Jian was already waiting for him leaning by the door way. Genji wasn't sure what compelled him to, but he shoved right past him.

"Karia, we're going now."

Karia looked at him surprised to hear his tone, but nodded.

"I'll come." Volunteer Jian.

"No." Genji said stepping next to him. Much to his satisfaction his lanky height actually made him just a tad more threatening.

"Jian stay with me!" Xiomara shouted.

"I'll go!" San yelled taking off his apron.

"No you don't, you're helping cook." Jai yelled.

"Actually Jian is going to help, he and Xo are going to spend time together!"

Xiomara beamed at her dad and at Jian.

Before he could protest San ran out the apartment and Genji and Karia followed. The three ran out until the were outside

"Thank the spirits you two got me out of there, I wasn't going to spend time with my sister and her fake boyfriend."

"He's an ass." Genji remarked and to his surprise San laughed.

He spent the whole day with the guy, but they had just had the longest conversation.

San was about to take off before Genji called out.

"Wait, San there's something we need to tell you."

Genji looked at Karia for a reassurance and she looked skeptical.

"Look Kar, Xiomara doesn't believe me and it's best that she doesn't. I know Jian is using her, and I know he found us, but the less he knows about me the better."

Karia nodded.

"We've got to tell San then."

"Tell me what? And what do you mean Jian is using her?"

Genji took a deep breath.

"Look I'm the avatar."

San wrinkled his nose.

"I don't get the joke here, are you making fun of Mr Statue over there."

Genji sighed before rubbing his hands and concentrating on what he had learned at school that day. As soon as he did flames shot out of his hands. Small, but a flame. Karia widened her eyes.

"You did it Genj, you can bend two elements!"
She was tempted to give him a hug but saw he was clearly busy.

San looked unimpressed.

"What am I missing here?"

Genji took one stomp and around him the ground split. This time San flinched. He pointed an accusing finger at Karia.

"You can earth bend? You said you were a non bender."

"It's not me." She said and pointed at Genji who was making the ground rise and fall.

"I'm not the best with solid earth, but give me sand and I can do some really cool things."

San closed his eyes and backed away.

"So who the hell is the loser with my sister? There aren't two avatars are there?"

"There's just the one." Karia said proudly.

"And we don't know." Karia admitted.

"But I think I know why he's here." And then Genji explained every event from the past month.

San punched his eyebrows.

"So you can barely bend earth and fire, and you have an elite government group chasing you, who clearly found you, and now our family is in danger."

Genji shifted uncomfortably. He didn't realize his existence put people at danger.

"Will you help us?" Karia asked nervously. She ans Genji were starting to think turning to San may have been a bad idea.

San gave an uneasy nod.

"I'll help you because I don't know the lunatic who's with my sister, but he's got to go."

Karia let out a sigh of relief.

"You can keep going to the academy but I'm also gonna train you myself to master fire bending."

"Thankyou" Genji said awkwardly.

San looked up at the sky.

"C'mon it's time to eat dinner with the fake avatar."

Avatar; The legacy Of GenjiWhere stories live. Discover now