Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life

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The old house came to life, filled with ringing laughter, bustling, and cheerful voices. After breakfast, the large family began to prepare for the wedding ceremony. Grandmother with Nihan scurried about with irons, curling irons, and other attributes to induce beauty. Esra put on a pink dress with a fluffy tulle skirt, spun in front of the mirror, and ran out into the street. Serdar, in a black suit and white shirt with a tie, was so exhausted to carry out his wife's commands that, picking up his son in his arms, he rushed after his sister. Behind him, almost not leaning on the cane, mister Hulusi walked briskly. Left alone, the women occupied one mirror for two and began to make themselves beautiful.

But in Iplikci's room, calm and grace reigned. Defne took her time to style her hair, Omer, admiring her, unhurriedly buttoned up his shirt and slipped cufflinks into the cuffs of the sleeves. Defne helped him to tie a bow tie, kissed him on the cheek, and also reached for her dress. Blue-green silk slipped over the body and enveloped the rounded figure well. Omer turned his wife back to him and closed the zipper with a smooth movement. After kissing the sweet-smelling neck, he took hold of the tuxedo and slipped his hands into the sleeves. Defne put a gloss on her lips, turned to her husband, and, taking a critical look at his slender figure, straightened his collar and bow tie.

- Ready? - Omer asked her and she nodded in agreement. - Then let's go. The carriages are waiting for us.

- Carriage? - Defne asked in surprise.

- Well, we need to somehow get to the hotel, - Omer smiled and joked: - There are no cars here, and your condition and our clothes are not suitable for bicycles.

- Ay, exactly! - laughing, she agreed. - And I did not even think about how we will get to the place of the ceremony. It's so good that you always think about everything in advance.

"This is my duty," Omer said, hiding a satisfied smile.

- And what is my duty? - Defne asked coquettishly.

"To be happy and love me," he answered without hesitation.

Defne laughed and pressed her head against a strong shoulder.

- What wonderful responsibilities! I never get tired of doing them.

With a wink, Omer gave her a bent arm at the elbow and led her out into the street. Near the gate stood three lacquer carriages drawn by bay horses. Omer put Esra and his wife in the first. In the second, Serdar sat down with Nihan and baby Iso, and in the third - grandmother Turkan and grandfather Hulusi. The small procession rolled towards the luxurious, whitewashed hotel in the distance. Wisteria has blossomed on both sides of the road. Its long branches intertwined, forming a picturesque tunnel. Long, lush bunches of sweet-smelling white and lilac flowers dangled from the branches. The scenery was so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

- Are we in a fairy tale? Esra asked admiringly.

"We're on an island," Defne replied laughing. - It's better here than in a fairy tale.

"When I grow up, I will come here every spring and admire the wisteria blossoms," the girl said.

- Why to wait so long? - Omer smiled at her. - We can still come here every spring.

- True? - the girl was delighted.

"True," he confirmed.

- Brother Omer, you are the best! Esra exclaimed sincerely.

- The best! - Defne supported her and smiled at her husband happily.

The final preparations were in full swing at the hotel. On the site near the sea, an arch entwined with flowers was installed. Beneath it stood a table covered with white lace tablecloth and chairs with high, carved backs. A path decorated with flowers led to it. There were rows of chairs on either side of it. On the lawn, there were round tables covered with white tablecloths with chairs around and long, tiered buffets. They were still empty. But the waiters were already preparing to fill the space with a variety of dishes, snacks, and desserts. On one of the tables, crystal glasses were displayed in even rows. Champagne was cooling in ice buckets. The hotel was expecting guests for the wedding of the year.

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