Prepare! Before the Fourth (Russia POV)

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"Let me get straight to the point. Why was I invited? What is your brother up to?"

Canada stared at me blankly for a moment before letting out a small sigh of relief.

"So is this what's bothering you?" he shook his head, "Don't worry. Ame isn't plotting anything as far as I know. In fact, I don't think he wants you anywhere near his house."


"It was our father, UK, who sent the invitations to everyone in the Main Branch. They were gone before Ame got to them and he was NOT happy about it. He got so angry that he ended up burning our dining table to a crisp," Canada chuckled.

I stood there processing the new information, wondering what I should do now.

After what seemed like an eternity, I finally came to a conclusion, "Perhaps I have wasted our time. Perhaps it would be best if I did not attend-"


Canada clasped his hands over his mouth. His sudden outburst had startled both of us.

"What I meant was... it would be a shame if you didn't come. It'll be fun, I promise. And besides, mother and father would really like to meet you."

This was a new experience for me... being requested. Being necessary. Mixed emotions began to churn in my head, Even so, my face did not fail to hide it.

"I'll... think about it..."

(Ukraine POV)

"You can come out now, Ukraine, " Canada sighed.

I had been tucked in the shadows, listening in to the conversation.

"What you said... is it true?" I demanded, "Because I feel like there is an ulterior motive here."

Canada stood there in uncomfortable silence before admitting, "Sort of... but it isn't anything to harm him. It's... for my brother's sake."

(Russia POV)

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH! You are JOKING RIGHT?! This can't be happening!" squealed a delighted Belarus, "Russia is actually going to a party?! Then we'll need to go dress and tux shopping PRONTO!"

I sat in my room, listening to my sisters chittering away.

"Hold on, I never said I was goin-"

"SILENCE RUSS!" Belarus snapped, "You're going and that is that."

I sunk back into my bed without another word to spare myself from another lecture. My sisters could do without my objections and I could do without their fussing.

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