Rise Little Underdog! Pt 1 (Germany POV)

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I remember when I was young, Poland and I used to play in the meadows, where the open sky was waiting with arms wide open. I remember that Poland would call my name to catch my attention and fail miserably to hide his goofy smile before unfurling his angelic wings and taking to the air. I would run after him, screaming with laughter and he would giggle and soar even higher. I could only watch as he ascended higher and higher because I was not like Poland. I did not have wings to fly and my feet were bound to the earth. But I was not upset. I was not jealous. I was not worried. Because I knew he would always come back down and rejoin me on the ground.

He would smile and ask me if I was surprised. I would respond, "Absolutely." His wings were the most beautiful jewels, second only to his smile and personality and we would play and laugh all day long... until that one terrible day, one terrible man took our freedom away. He hurt Poland and ripped away his feathers. Now Poland is like everyone else, his feet planted in the ground, unable to fly ever again...

 Now Poland is like everyone else, his feet planted in the ground, unable to fly ever again

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My eyelids flew open at the sound of my name. Poland was standing over me with awe and fear in his eyes.

"What... happened? Why am I lying in the middle of the Colosseum?" I mumbled groggily. The stone floor was cold to the touch.

"You mean you don't remember anything?" Mr. NATO inquired. I shook my head, still unable to recall the moments before waking up. He sighed and pointed to something in the distance. I fixed my glasses and my sight focused on another figure lying on the ground. He was about 15 meters away and shrouded with magenta smoke. Nurse WHO was tending to him, worry clear on her face.

"Oh. My. Lord. Did I do that? I'm sorry! I-I don't remember anything-" I stopped mid sentence because I finally recognized the boy.

And just like that, everything clicked into place.

Recollection (nobody POV)

"Are you hurt Poland?" Mr. NATO asked as he rushed over to the flailing boy. It was the ninth match of the day, and things had gone quite smoothly until now. The scared red and white country had tried to fly away but...

The students were silenced when they saw his terrible scars. Poland always refused to show his wings. Now they knew why.

"I'm ok. I just forgot I couldn't fly anymore..." he replied. He struggled to his feet while moving his wing as little as possible. After he had regained his balance and stopped shaking, he gingerly tucked in his wings and gave a bitter smile.

"I'm sorry Poland," Lithuania stammered, "I- I should have been more mindful and-"

"It's fine! It's not your fault! You fought very well. I was the one who got scared and fell."

Germany was gripping the edge of his stone seat so hard that his knuckles were turning white. The rules of the tournament stated that no student other than the two in the fight were allowed to enter the ring. He could only sit there and watch as the nurse and Mr. NATO take care of Poland. He was useless. Just like on the night when Poland lost his left wing.

Bitter and upset, Germany found his gaze wandering to the Russian sitting on the opposite side alone, and most likely asleep.

Germany had never felt such a desire to hurt someone before. Part of him wanted nothing more than to go over there and fling Russia into orbit. The other, more reasonable, part knew that would be impossible for he had virtually no upper body strength. His loathing was quickly interrupted by a smack to the head.

"Earth to Germany. Hello? Anybody home?" Poland teased.

"Hey! What was that for? If you weren't injured I'd totally smack you back," he complained, "Speaking of which, are you okay?"

Poland shrugged and sighed, "Yeah. I'm fine. Just... a little dazed," then he looked up and smiled, "At least I don't have to hide my wings- sorry wing and a cluster of feathers anymore," he joked.

Germany gave a half-hearted chuckle as a response.

Mr. NATO stepped back into the center of the ring, "Okay kids settle down. Let's get moving or we'll be here till midnight! Next up, can I get Denmark and Finland in the ring?"

Germany winced. He would be fighting one of the two in the semifinal match. Yes. The semifinals. Against everyone's better judgement, including his own, Germany was able to come out on top. Granted, all his opponents were not skilled in combat, but still, he won.

Now Finland and Denmark were good, strong fighters. Germany was absolutely certain he would not be able to beat any of them. Poland seemed to sense Germany's anxiety and gave him a little poke.

"I'm so glad I'm not you right now," he commented.

"Thanks. That was so reassuring," Germany replied sarcastically.

The match had begun and things were already heated. Unlike previous battles, the two wasted no time getting ready. They were already bashing heads and throwing swear words left and right. And boy were they aggressive.

At this point, most people would be breaking down with anxiety if they were to go up against one of the two. But Germany was... different. Instead, he began to analyze. It was a habit he picked up, especially if he was stressed out. He memorized every move they made and began to run through it in his genius mind. Poland looked over at his deadly silent friend, immediately understanding what he was doing.

He was learning the skills of battle. Right on the spot and instantaneously.

"Sometimes, your ability to pick up on things so quickly scares me. It's like you're copying and pasting data like a robot,"

Germany snapped out of his trance.

"Really? Is it that weird?"

Poland snorted, "Is it that weird," he mimicked, "Duh. Unlike you, normal people need experience to learn something. We don't go, 'Hmm, yeah ok' and know how to build a rocket ship."

Germany frowned and stuck his tongue out like a child. Poland mirrored his face and they both burst into a fit of giggles. Their fun was cut short by a shrill whistle from Mr. NATO.


He and Nurse WHO rushed into the ring to help the two students. They were both bruised and bloodied. Things had escalated and now they were hurting each other too much. Mr. NATO had to pick them up by the scruff as they clawed and kicked at one another.

"LET ME AT HIM! I CAN STILL FIGHT!" they both hollered.

Nurse WHO shot them an icy glare that shut them up, "You boys were too rough. Look at yourselves! Not only did you provide me with more work, you also ruined your friendly bond."

Finland and Denmark glanced at each other with confusion, "Uh... what bond? We aren't friends-"

"What did I just say?" she pressed, with death in her eyes.

They took the hint, "YES. BEST FRIENDS... BEST FRIENDS FO-FOREVER!" they responded in unison.

After the boys were escorted back to the campus infirmary, Mr. NATO stepped into the ring once more.

"Both Finland and Denmark are unable to continue in the tournament and for the sake of time, we will jump straight to the finals! Germany, you are one lucky fella!" he announced.

And so it began.

To be continued in Pt 2...

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