As Normal As It Gets (Russia POV) *intense swearing?*

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Everyone knows that the first day is always a free day. And free days are fun days. For most people anyways. People like to socialize and laugh and make new friends,... basically everything I can't and don't want to do. So instead of going to class I decided to roam the halls. But it seemed that I wasn't the only one.

"Oi! What are you doing here? They invited you back? What the fuck?"

I glanced over to see a small gang of countries and humans shuffling over. They obviously wanted to pick a fight with me. Stupid bastards. I wasn't looking to fight on the very first day so I let out an annoyed "tch" and turned to walk away.

"Hey hey hey. Buddy! Where do ya think you're goin'? You didn't answer my question yet," the leader of the group sneered. I regarded him coldly.

"Who are you supposed to be?"

"El Salvador. Know it. Fear it."
"Well then El Salvador, please get a clue and fuck off."

I was walking away, wondering why I decided to pay them any mind, when some movement caught my eye. Then pain and a metallic taste filled my senses.

He punched me.

My head hit the wall behind me as a foot pressed down on my chest. El Salvador had an ugly twisted smile plastered over his face, obviously pleased with how helpless I looked. His goons were all gurgling with laughter. I remained as expressionless as I could but a howling rage was making that increasingly more difficult.

"How did I do? Did I get the clue? Haha. You should see how stupid you look," he gloated.

"Shit. You punch like an old lady. No. My grandmother could do better than that," I spit back.

Anger flushed into his smug face. He sent another punch into my gut. I recoiled, but the pain was numbing instead of- well, painful.

"An old lady huh? What grandmother? You don't even have a mother! Or maybe she killed herself when she saw your ugly face! And then there's your dad. Fucking bastard. He was the worst. Oh wait! You don't even know who I'm talking about-"

That was all I could take.
I slammed my elbow into the side of his face, sending him crashing into the opposite wall. The other low life jerks let out surprised yelps as they saw me take out their big boss in one blow.

"Shit! El! Look what you've done!" One began to charge at me, fists raised ready to attack. I put him down in one fluid motion. All these movements had become natural to me. I glared at the rest of them, daring them to come. Unsurprisingly, those idiots did and all of them fell in no time at all. The floor and walls were a mess, covered in blood. And yes, I'll admit, it was a tad bit excessive, but it brought me satisfaction to see them all broken.

I picked up my ushanka which had fallen off and placed it back. I gave an annoyed huff as I surveyed the scene I had just caused. Wonderful. This was exactly the way I wanted the year to start.

That was sarcastic.


So now a teacher decides to appear. A small crowd was beginning to gather. All of them had horrified expressions on their faces.

A small and weak whimper escaped from one of the "victims". Clearly I had not hit them hard enough.


I didn't bother giving an explanation. So I was sent to the headmaster's office. I've tried to explain in the past. Heck, I even tried to resist any violence before. But no matter what I do, people come pick fights with me and end up putting me in trouble. No matter what I do. No matter what I say. Always another pile of bullshit.

I was given the same old lecture. I was given the same old warnings. I was given the same old punishments. But something new was bugging me.

"And then there's your dad. Fucking bastard. He was the worst. Oh wait! You don't even know who I'm talking about-"

I've known that people talk about me behind my back. I know they have information about my father that I seem to have no recollection of. But no one had said anything about him in front of my face ever before. And the way the others flinched when El Salvador mentioned him... something is being kept away from me.

I was knocked out of my trance by a whack to the shoulder.

"What is wrong with you?" Belarus growled.

"Ow. Why did you hit me there?"

"Well I would have whacked you across your noggin if you weren't so stupidly tall." She complained.

I was silent for a moment before asking her what was on my mind.


"Hm?" She huffed a reply.

"Do you remember our father?"
She stopped, obviously caught by surprise.

"No, I don't. This is random. You never asked before. What brought this up?" she asked.

"I was just wondering."

In reality, I was just trying to confirm what I believed. And it turned out that I was right. Even my sister was hiding something from me. Ukraine was probably hiding something as well.

So. What was it that even my sisters didn't want me knowing?

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