I flew as fast as I could towards Harry hearing George trying to call me back but I ignored his calls, I grabbed my wand out of my robe and pointed it at the dementors

I think of the first time I saw George in the forest both innocent kids him not knowing he would change my life forever

"Expecto patronum!" I yell and a bright light leaves the tip of my wand, a huge wolf ran towards the dementors and they flew off leaving Harry to fall

My hand dropped down and I slumped on my broom falling downwards but was caught by George

"When we're you going to tell me. you could do a Petronius charm" he chuckled

"When Fred figures out were a couple" I breathe out

"So never" he states

I laugh and sit back up on my broom feeling the life come back into my body

"I may be able to cast one but my god it takes a lot out of me" I whisper landing on the ground

"God?" George asks "I hear you say it all the time what is it?"

"It's a muggle saying" I reply walking over to Harry "oh Harry"

Harry was taken to the hospital wing and we all followed covered head to toe in mood trudging it all over the castle, we went into the hospital wing and surrounded Harry's bed waiting for him to wake him

When Harry opened his eyes Fred jumped in his face smiling 

"Harry! How are you feeling" he asked

"What happened" Harry asked

"You fell off, must of been 50 feet" George answered

"We thought your died" Angie breathed out

"But the match, what happened?, are we having a replay?" He quickly questioned

Nobody spoke and we all looked down

"We didn't-lose?" He choked out

"Diggory got the snitch" George muttered

"Just after you fell, he didn't realise what had happened. When he looked back and saw you on the ground he tried to call it off. Wanted a re-match but they won fair and square..even wood admits it" I explained

"Where is wood?" Harry asked

"Still in the showers, we think he's trying to drown himself" Fred chuckled

Hurry put his face to his knees and gripped his hair, Fred grabbed his shoulders and shook him

"Come on Harry you have never missed the snitch before" Fred tried to reason with him

"There had to be one time you didn't get it" George smiled

"It's not over yet" I told him sitting next to him rubbing his shoulders

"We lost by 100 points right? So if hufflpuff lose to ravenclaw and we beat Ravenclaw and Slytherin.." Fred started figuring it out

"Hufflepuff have to lose by atleast 200 points" said George

"But if they beat ravenclaw" Fred tried to but in

"No way, ravenclaw are too good but if Slytherin lose against hufflepuff, well it all depends on points, a margin of 100 either way-" George was saying

I hit his arm and glared at him motioning to Harry who was staring at nothing, madam pomfrey came over and told us to let him rest

"We'll come and see you later" I told Harry

My darling - 1 (George Weasley fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now