Part 26

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Forced into a break she didn't really need, Stevie sat beside Lindsey, sipping on a cup of tea, while they listened to Stella and Leelee go on and on about their friend's birthday party. She didn't mind this part, however, Kristen moving about the kitchen bothered her. Stevie had said it herself, she and Lindsey knew, it wasn't going to last, but that one day with him alone did transport her into that dream of theirs, which never came true and never would. Yes, she still loved him and she believed that he still loved her, too. But she didn't believe that they were in a place, where divorce was possible. They were too old to go through that now and Stevie would never ask Lindsey that anyway. There was no guarantee that they could make things work. She had decided a long time that she would be fine with whatever Lindsey could give her. It hurt, absolutely, the goodbyes were the most painful part, but if they were still able to escape reality only for a short period of time, she was okay with it.

It didn't take much longer for Lindsey to suggest they should head back. Stevie was eager to agree. He had gotten used to having his arm around her again so quickly, he didn't even realize he was drawing her closer as they walked together, but she shrugged his arm off and he understood. 

"So, where were we?" Stevie jumped back straight to business, so Lindsey wouldn't have the chance to bring up the return of his family. "I believe, we were arguing, which made more sense, sad angel or said angel." She gave him a small smile and Lindsey laughed lightly, shaking his head.

"No, we were not having an argument." He emphasized, taking a seat. "I think, we handled that very well."

"Alright, let's get this over with." Stevie picked up her glasses and put them on, waiting for the track to start playing. "What?" She looked over at Lindsey.

He shrugged his shoulders. "You're cute with your glasses on."

"You're not going to distract me. I'm all business, Buckingham." She smirked, shifting her gaze away from him.

Stevie failed the first attempt. She once again sang, said angel, and stopped. She sighed, when she made the same mistake for the second time in a row. Lindsey didn't seem to mind, when he let the track play for the third time and it went perfectly. 

"Finally!" Stevie exclaimed. "How many takes combined has it been? Like a hundred?"

Lindsey grinned, shaking his head. "No, it hasn't been that many, Steph. You're doing great, baby."

They both stilled, then let it slide. He couldn't pick the habit up of using pet names again. It had landed him into trouble before.

"Let's do one more." Stevie said. "I want to make sure that we really have it."

Lindsey nodded his agreement and again, the take went fine. Stevie sounded great and not one mistake was made on her part. 

"Another one?" Lindsey suggested, looking at her.

"Why? I thought, the last one was probably the best." Stevie asked, creasing her eyebrows slightly. "I'd say, we're finished, Linds." When he remained quiet, it hit her. That was exactly the reason, why he wanted to try again. "Lindsey?" She called his name, but he didn't face her. "Linds?" 

He sighed heavily and unwillingly locked their eyes. "Yeah?"

"You knew, this wasn't forever." Stevie held out her hand and Lindsey rose to his feet, closing the short distance between them. "You can't keep me locked up in here, you know." She smiled, brushing her thumb over the back of his hand, when he laced his fingers through hers. "This doesn't mark some kind of an end for us. If anything, I think, this is only the beginning of a beautiful new chapter of our relationship."

Lindsey hung his head low, chewing on the inside of his cheek. "You have no idea, how happy you've made me these past few days."

"And so have you, Linds. It's been what, four days? But I've experienced so much with you. We talked, we laughed and we cried together. We were honest with each other the way we haven't been for years." Stevie now held his hand in both of hers. "Linds, I was so worried, this this was just going to be work, but I believe, the time that we've spent together, has done wonders for us. If we never experience this again, I want you to know just how important this has been for me and I'm going to cherish this for the rest of my life."

Lindsey wasn't ashamed that he was getting emotional. He brought his hand up and rubbed a tear out of his eyes before it could slip down his cheek. He cleared his throat and looked at her at last. "You're my person, Steph." He simply repeated her words and nothing else had to be said.

Her eyes glazed over with tears as well, but she smiled at him through her already breaking heart. "You're my person, Linds."

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