Part 5

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"How many hours a day do you spend in here?" Stevie asked, looking around Lindsey's home studio. 

"Kristen says, way too much." Lindsey shrugged, taking a seat in his chair, while Stevie sat down opposite him on the couch. "I've spent a lot of money on all of this, I'm going to use it."

"I didn't expect this to be so... cozy." Stevie complimented, she imagined his studio resembling the all white room she had been assigned. "Is that an incense stick I see?" 

"Ah, yeah." Lindsey nodded, chuckling nervously. "I don't know, it didn't bother me as much as it used to, when I visited you at your hotel room on those several occasions last tour. I enjoy the atmosphere it creates."

"Do you mind lighting it up?" Stevie asked and he walked over to do as asked. The scent soon filled the space and she smirked. "You know, it's my favorite, right?"

"I do." Lindsey sighed. "But I bought the same kind because I liked it, okay? Not because you do." He wanted to wipe that smirk off her face. 

"What else you've got lying around that reminds you of me?" Stevie got up again and approached to inspect various records he owned.

"Nothing interesting here." Lindsey jumped to his feet, attempting to steer Stevie in a different direction.

She looked at him, her eyebrow raised. "See, now I'm thinking that there is something you don't want me to find."

He sighed and quickly searched through the section, in which all the albums started with the letter B. Lindsey pulled out the specific vinyl he was looking for and held it out for Stevie.

"Linds..." She held the record in one hand, her other laid over her chest. "Where did you get this from?"

"You left it for me." Lindsey only half lied, scratching the back of his head.

Stevie gave him a look. "Yes, but you didn't take it."

"Well..." He cleared his throat, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "I may have kind of stolen it, when we hung out during Trouble In Shangri-La recording." He wasn't sure, what her reaction was going to be, but he certainly didn't expect her to smile.

"That's cute, in a way." Stevie lowered her eyes back to the Bella Donna vinyl, before she tilted them up again. "You could have asked, you know? It was meant for you."

"Yeah, but I made such a big deal out of it back then that I couldn't. I was embarrassed." Now Lindsey could easily admit he had had a tendency to overreact to things, related to Stevie all those years ago.

"I'm glad you wanted it." She smiled and put the record back in its place. "So, the demos you've wanted to show me."

"Right!" Lindsey nodded and showed her to take a seat. "Give me a sec."

Stevie made herself comfortable. She took Sulamith into her lap and relaxed against the back of the couch. Lindsey soon had everything ready, he spun his chair around to face her.

"I've found something on the internet. Yes, I know you hate it, but just hear me out." Lindsey asked, moving the cursor on the touchpad of his laptop. "I had a hard time sleeping one night, so I came down here and took a trip down memory lane. I don't know, where people get this stuff from, but I've stumbled upon a very old demo of ours."

"Yeah? Buckingham Nicks kind of old?" Stevie questioned, her interest piqued. Lindsey nodded and pushed play.

Even though Stevie hadn't heard it for so long, she immediately remembered the song. She'd written it about Lindsey and for Lindsey. To this day, she believed that it was one of the most beautiful poems she had ever came up with and why did in not make it on the album, she didn't have a clue.

"You are song for me, melody. Ingrained in my soul." Lindsey spoke up, when the music stopped. "Steph, that's so beautiful. You were in your 20's, when you wrote that. You've always had such an incredible way with words. You have no idea and neither do I if I'm honest, just how many times I've listened to this demo." He creased his eyebrows, when she didn't reply. "Stevie?"

"Mm?" She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat and forced a smile. 

"Are you okay?" Lindsey went over to sit beside her. 

"Yeah, it's just..." Stevie cocked her head back and quickly wiped away a tear, rolling down her cheek. "It just brought a lot of memories, a lot of emotions."

"I know." Lindsey agreed, pulling her closer, he pressed a kiss to her hair. "For me too." He added. "I'd love to bring this back to life, Steph."

"Sure if I can manage recording my vocals without bursting into tears every few seconds." She laughed lightly, feeling his lips press to her temple. 

"I'll bring you all the tissues you'll need." Lindsey smiled, pulling back slightly. "Ready to hear, what else I've got?"

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