Part 9

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With a sharp intake of air, Stevie lazily opened her eyes. She stretched out her legs and arms, yawning. Her mind was instantly flooded with memories of last night. She didn't expect Lindsey to come back nor did she think, they'd end up lying in bed together. She felt, he was dancing around some touchy subjects, but he wasn't truly ready to dive into any of them and she couldn't have him do that. Not here, not in the house he shared with his family. 

Without a clue what time it was, Stevie still guessed she was going to have to get up soon. However, she was too comfortable to leave the bed. Turning around on her other side, Stevie nearly gasped, when she saw Lindsey beside her, his back facing her. Had he slept through the night in her bed? She must have dozed off before him and he stayed. He was breathing evenly, quietly, Stevie didn't realized they were still together in her sleepy state. 

A part of her wanted to let him sleep, but they could potentially already be in a lot of trouble. Scooting over closer to Lindsey, Stevie lay her hand on his bicep as she pressed herself against him. She could have shaken him or spoken his name, but instead, her lips left a trail of kisses from his shoulder to his neck. He stirred. Without having said anything yet, he reached behind himself and placed his hand on her thigh.

"Good morning." Lindsey said through a yawn. Fearing that he might freak out, when he heard her voice, Stevie hesitated to reply. "I know it's you, Steph."

She let out a breath, she was holding and rested her chin on his shoulder. "Why are you still with me, Lindsey?"

"Because I didn't want to leave." 

His straightforwardness was foreign to her. "Don't you think, Kristen may have noticed the lack of your presence?"

"She probably thinks, I woke up early and went to the studio. I do that, you know." Lindsey didn't see it as such a big deal. He turned around and his arm wrapped around Stevie's waist. "I haven't slept as well in a long time."

"Linds, did I..." Stevie cast her eyes down. They had lived together before, it shouldn't matter. "At any point during the night, did I..."

"Did you snore?" He smirked, finishing the thought for her. She nodded. "No. Or I didn't hear it." He carefully leaned in to capture her lips, but she put a finger against his mouth. "What?" Lindsey asked, her finger still touching his lips. 

"I haven't had the chance to brush my teeth yet." Stevie said, to which he gave her a pointed look. 

"I've literally had my mouth on every inch of your body. What makes you think that I care about you not having brushed your teeth?"

Stevie's cheeks picked up a pinkish hue and she smiled. It was getting increasingly harder to resist him, when he was being so sweet. As if waiting for an okay, Lindsey held back, but Stevie herself locked their lips for a lingering kiss. She wanted to, oh God, did she want to do so much more, but... They couldn't. They just couldn't.

"I'm going to call Karen and ask if it's safe for you to leave my room." Stevie pulled back, so Lindsey didn't have a chance to grope her some more. 

"Thank God, you're finally awake." Karen spoke as soon as her phone started ringing. "I want to go home, Stevie."

"Good morning to you as well, Karen." Stevie chuckled, grabbing Lindsey's hand, when his fingertips began trailing a path from her arm to her neck, down the middle of her chest. "Listen, I have a question."


"Is Kristen around?"

Karen paused, then sighed. "Have you two already-"

"No! But... Lindsey's here, with me." Stevie replied, glancing at him.

"Mrs. Buckingham has left to run some errands. I don't know, why she told me that, though."

"Oh, good." Stevie breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Karen. I'll come out shortly."

Putting her phone away, Stevie looked at Lindsey, his puppy eyes staring back at her. He knew, she was about to ask him to leave. And he should, he had to, but he didn't want to.

"I'll meet you for breakfast in half an hour or so?" Lindsey asked, before Stevie could speak up. 

"Make it an hour." She nodded and pulled the covers down. She put her feet on the floor and stood up. Lindsey reached for her hand, stopping her from getting too far way. "What?" Stevie asked, turning back to face him again.

Lindsey tugged at her hand, causing her to bend over for another kiss.


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