Part 15

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Stevie looked down and smiled, when Leelee's hand slipped into hers. She kept her promise and the two, along with Lindsey and Stella, were on their way to meet Leelee's horse. They had to take a drive to go to the stables - Kristen's proudest moment of her, ahem, career. The girls sat in the back, Stevie was beside Lindsey in the passenger's seat. A short moment of sadness came over Stevie, while they were still in the car, as she allowed herself to dream of what could have been. When she turned her head to look out the window, Lindsey blindly sought out her hand and gave it a squeeze. 

"After you, ladies." Lindsey held the entrance door open.

They were met by several people, who worked there, right away. Naturally, a bit star struck, they introduced themselves to Stevie, holding out their shaky hands. However, she had an ability to put everyone at ease, seemingly, at the snap of her fingers. 

"I wasn't expecting you today, Lindsey." A tall and very handsome man approached the small group. 

"We just came to look around, Stevie's never been here before." Lindsey replied. He insisted that all of the employees called him by his first name. Hearing someone addressing him as Mr. Buckingham made it sound so formal. He did enjoy it, however, when Stevie used his last name to flirt with him.

"So very nice to meet you." The man introduced himself as Richard. Stevie held out her hand, a smile on her face, she felt her cheeks getting warmer, when Richard gently grasped her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. 

"Nice to meet you, too." Stevie replied.

They held each other's gaze for a second longer, before Lindsey cleared his throat loudly and hugged Stevie around her shoulders. "Say, Rich. Could we maybe say hello to Leelee's Dolly?"

"You certainly can." The man nodded and turned to walk, guessing the rest would follow after him. 

Lindsey kept Stevie close to himself with one arm, his other hand held by Stella, Leelee walked beside Stevie. He gave her a look and she just smirked without saying a word. Stevie loved knowing that she could still make Lindsey a bit jealous that easily.

"Here she is, the beautiful girl." Richard grinned, stopping by Dolly, his eyes settled again on Stevie, just as 'beautiful' passed his lips. "Isn't she?"

"Gorgeous!" Stevie agreed. She shrugged Lindsey's arm off her shoulder and followed Leelee, who had taken a step closer to her horse. 

"No need to be afraid, little lady." Lindsey knew that Richard wasn't referring to his daughter. "May I?" He reached for Stevie's hand and she didn't object. He placed it on Dolly, where he knew, it wouldn't make her pull back. 

"I wish, I could keep her at home, like you do Sulamith." Leelee sighed, talking to Stevie.

"Oh, sweetheart. Well, Dolly is like... a hundred if not more Sulamiths. Can you imagine that?" The girls chuckled and nodded her head in agreement.  

Lindsey stood back, watching the scene in front of him. He guessed, Richard had a certain charm about him. Even as a man, Lindsey could admit that. He hated to have noticed the tight jeans the man was wearing and a button up shirt, with the top undone, revealing his greying chest hair. His boots made a sound, which captured everyone's attention, when he walked. His skin was sun kissed, his face had wonderful bone structure and his whole look was complimented by jet black hair, with some grey streaks, coming out from his temples.

"Would you like to get up and take a ride?" 

The question brought Lindsey back to the present moment and he finally stepped in, breaking Richard's intense stare that seemed to have captivated Stevie for a moment. 

"Maybe some other time." Lindsey said. "I'm sorry, Steph, but we ought to get back to work."

Stevie tore her eyes away from Richard and turned to Lindsey. "That's a shame." She sighed and Lindsey frowned a little. "Thank you for taking us to meet, Dolly."

"No worries." Richard waved it off and walked back with them. 

Lindsey helped Stella into the backseat of his Jeep, while Leelee managed on her own just fine. Stevie got into the passenger's seat and waved at Richard, while Lindsey walked around the back to get in behind the wheel. 

"Let me know if you want to ride with me someday." Richard tipped his hat, bringing a smile to Stevie's face.

"Like hell you will..." Lindsey turned the engine on and sped off. 

"What was that, Linds?" Stevie asked. 

"I, uh..." He faked a cough, he didn't mean to say it out loud. "Nothing." He shook his head. "I was just asking if you're ready to head back."

Stevie knew better, but she kept it to herself. The short exchange she had with Richard, had to have been traumatic enough.

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