Part 23

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Lindsey unwillingly opened his eyes the following morning. He likely wouldn't have just yet if not for the emptiness beside him. He could count the times on his hands, when Stevie woke up earlier than him. Lindsey propped himself up on his elbows, then transferred his weight onto the right one, running his free hand through the mess that was his curls. Looking around the room, he yawned. Sulamith was still in bed, which meant that Stevie had to be somewhere near. The dog's beady black eyes stared right back at him, a chill ran down Lindsey's spine. Much like the owner, Sulamith didn't appear all that threatening until you angered her. Surprising Lindsey greatly, Sulamith approached him and plopped down closely. He stilled, unsure of what he was supposed to do now. 

The sound of the running water reached Lindsey's ears and he turned towards the bathroom. He got out from under the covers and placed his feet on the floor. Without even considering putting on clothes, Lindsey opened the bathroom door. Unfortunately, the glass had fogged up and he couldn't see into the shower cubicle. 

"Get out of here, Lindsey."

"You heard me coming in, huh." Lindsey asked, standing close. 

"I feel your presence." Stevie replied.

He could make out her form only slightly and he guessed, she was currently washing her hair. "Is there space for one more? I could shower, too."

"No, Lindsey. I need to wash myself, I'm filthy."

"Yeah, you are." He smirked, muttering under his breath, but she heard him.

"You know, for a man of your age, you are still so horny."

Even though she couldn't see it, Lindsey shrugged his shoulders. "Excuse me, but I don't have a naked Stevie Nicks taking a shower a step away from me on daily basis."

"I think, you keep forgetting that I'm no longer 25-years-old, Linds. It's not a pretty sight." Stevie stepped under the shower head to rinse the shampoo out of her hair. 

"Not this again." Lindsey sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'll wash your back if you let me come. Come inside, I mean. Come into the shower with you!" He corrected himself twice, hearing her chuckle. 

"If I do let you, we both know, I'll end up against the wall, Lindsey. And I'm too old for that." Stevie said, opening the cap of her body wash.

"I swear, I'll behave." He sounded like a whiny child, but he didn't care one bit.  

"Fine." Stevie said, breathing out heavily.

Lindsey grinned and quickly stepped in before she changed her mind. "Hey there."

Stevie gave him a look and handed him the bottle. She turned around and pulled her hair away, holding it loosely in her hand. Lathering his palms up, Lindsey placed his hands on her shoulders. He didn't move elsewhere right away, massaging her muscles for a minute. She thought, she hid her quiet moans well, but she didn't. Lindsey took his time, caressing the area that he was allowed to touch for much longer than necessary. Thinking that she might not notice, he slid his hands lower.

"That's not my back." Stevie scolded him and he moved his hands back up. "I think, that's quite enough. Out."

"What?" Lindsey asked, genuinely surprised. He was sure, he'd get his way. 

"You've done your job. Now, get out, please." Stevie turned around to face him again and pushed at his chest without much force really. 

"But- but I need to shower, too. I'm already wet, so-"

"Yeah, well, so am I." She shrugged, causing his eyes to grow wider. "I'll come out in a minute."

She managed to usher a shocked Lindsey out and close the sliding shower door, before he got back in. "Wait, Steph, what do you mean?" 

She smirked to herself. "I'll be out in a minute, Lindsey."

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