Part 17

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At the moment, Lindsey was focused on the more technical side of making music. Stevie couldn't say, she didn't enjoy it as well, but she only did, when working on her solo albums. If Lindsey was involved, no one was really allowed to touch anything. Stevie sat back and watched him, but he hadn't said a word for what seemed 10-15 minutes, she sighed heavily. And then again. Lindsey didn't pick up on it.

"Linds, I'm going to go up to my room for a bit, while you're messing with your knobs." Stevie said and he spun around to face her.

"I'm not messing with any knobs, Stevie." He smirked, she had to have used that word on purpose. "Are you alright?"

"Fine, I'm just bored." She shrugged and stood up. "You haven't said a word to me in forever."

"Well, this has to be done, Steph." Lindsey looked at her almost apologetically. 

"I know and seriously, I'm good." She smiled at him, holding onto the door handle. "Come get me, okay?"

"Okay." He nodded and turned back to his mixing console, when she had walked out.

Stevie didn't want to say anything, but she must have slept wrong and her back was bothering her a little. She wasn't in pain, but a hot bath sounded wonderful. She went into the house and up the stairs. Taking a turn right, she passed Will's room and opened the door to her own. Opening her suitcase, Stevie grabbed several items as well as a change of clothes and entered her own private bathroom. Kristen had made sure, Stevie would find a new bottle of shampoo and shower gel in there, but they weren't her preferred kind, so she wasn't going to touch those. The bathtub was quite impressive. Thankful, that it wasn't one of those modern designs, Stevie turned the water on and adjusted the temperature the way she liked it. She poured a generous amount of gel to make bubbles and began undressing. 

A satisfied sigh passed through Stevie's lips as she submerged her slightly aching body into the water. A small smile settled on her lips as she closed her eyes. She was only missing two things - her incense, which was currently with Lindsey, and a glass of wine. Scratch that, she thought, the thought of the taste and smell made her shudder. 

Lindsey wasn't sure, how much time had passed, since Stevie left. He straightened up in his seat and stretched out his arms. He knew, however, that he had been working for a while and he didn't want to leave Stevie alone for much longer. Lindsey walked out of his favorite place, which swallowed up most of his free time, and reentered the house through the back door. The downstairs was quiet, so he went up in search of Stevie. He stopped and knocked on her door, then entered the room, when he didn't receive an answer. Or so he thought.

"Steph? Are you in here?" Lindsey asked.

"I told you, I'm in the bathroom." Her voice was louder now. "I'm taking a bath, Linds."

"Can I come in?"

"No, you can't come in!" 

He grinned. "Are you naked?"

"I might like to be covered up at all times, but not in the bathtub, Lindsey." 

He could almost hear her roll her eyes. "I've seen you naked before." He said, approaching the bathroom door. 

"Do not come in he-" Stevie stopped and sighed, when he came in. 

"Oh, not fair." Lindsey pouted. "I can barely see you through the bubbles." He then added with a shrug. "You told me to come and get you."

"I'm a little busy." She said, seeing Lindsey taking a few steps closer, he sat down on the edge of the bathtub. 

"Busy how?" He raised an eyebrow and she splashed some water on him. 

"Dirty old man." Stevie gave him a look, a smirk slowly forming on her lips. "Done messing with your knobs?"

"For now." Lindsey nodded. 

They grew silent. Stevie's eyes remained on Lindsey as he desperately tried to see past the bubbles. She splashed him again, when he tried to blow them away. Then his hand dipped into the water and she looked at him with a warning. He didn't seem to care, his hand comfortably resting on her inner thigh just above the bent knee. She felt his hand sliding up, his eyes now on hers. 

"The cowboy couldn't handle you."

Stevie sank her teeth into her bottom lip, biting back a smile. "He really got to you, huh?"

Lindsey's hand was nearing the juncture of her thighs and her breathing became heavier. "I'd love to erase the memory of him from your mind, Steph."

The anticipation of what might happen was greater than her need to stop him. He was an inch away from touching her and she held her breath. "Y-your wife might c-come back any minute."

Lindsey shook his head. "Oh, but she won't. We're all alone for the night."

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