Part 8

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Lindsey pushed the door open, when Stevie allowed him to come in. She knew, it was him. He smiled, seeing her resting in bed, holding her journal, a pair of glasses on the bridge of her nose. He was so used to being around Stevie Nicks, it was very rare he got to see Stephanie. 

"All those millions of dollars and you still haven't fixed your eyesight." Lindsey closed the door behind him.

Stevie was slightly taken aback. As if it was completely normal for them still, he stood in nothing but his boxers. She mindlessly sank her teeth into her bottom lip, he was still so fit. She desperately tried to maintain eye contact, knowing that if her eyes drifted a tad lower, Lindsey would have that smug smirk on his face instantly.

"They're just fine." She replied, shifting her gaze back to the halfway filled page of her journal. "I'm not about to let someone shine a laser into my eyes."

"It's not that bad." Lindsey shrugged, approaching the bed. "May I?" 

"Sure." Stevie nodded and he sat down right at her feet. "Can't fall asleep?"

"Yeah." Lindsey sighed, sitting hunched over, bouncing his knee. "I saw the light coming from your room, thought, I'd come in and say, hi."

"Hello." She smiled a little as she continued writing.

For some reason, Lindsey couldn't shake the feeling that she was writing about him. That wouldn't be the first nor the last time. He wanted to know, how she felt about their day, but if he asked, he doubted, he'd get the answer. He lifted his feet off the floor and scooted over to the other side of the bed, she gave him a questioning look.

"You're not going to take a peek, Linds." Stevie shook her head and closed her journal, she put in on the nightstand. "You should know better."

"Oh, God yes." The memories of the handful of times Lindsey had taken a look without Stevie's permission, terrified him to this day. "I just want to know, what's going through your mind."

She turned on her side, staring at him. It was quite surreal, lying in bed with Lindsey. They hadn't been together intimately in any way since he had come to her aid, while recording In Your Dreams. They hadn't slept together then, but he did kiss her and she eagerly responded, then pushed him back, saying, she couldn't do this to herself again.

"I'm thinking about our day, the memories it brought back and the feelings." Stevie emphasized, Lindsey didn't quite understand, what it meant. "I realized, how much I've missed you. This you. You seem a lot more relaxed, patient, calmer. I think, that you're actually excited about spending time with me. Sure, you kind of forced me into this, but it no longer feels like that." She paused, when he draped his arm around her middle, but neither of the two moved closer to the other. "Things have always worked, when it's just you and I. I don't know, what it is, but everything seems to just crumble, when there are others in the room with us."

"We could always make this a Buckingham Nicks album." Lindsey's palm slid slightly lower to her hip. 

Stevie sighed and reached for his wandering hand, lacing her fingers through his. "Why are you here, Lindsey?"

"Honestly? I'm not really sure." He answered, nuzzling the back of her hand with his lips. "I just kind of want to be near you."

"We're in your family's home, Linds. Your wife is two doors down. You shouldn't want to be with me." Stevie stretched out her other arm and slipped her fingers in his curls, he closed his eyes and sighed, content. 

"You said it yourself, Steph, I'll never get away." Lindsey moved closer, his head now on her pillow, their noses nearly touching. "I think about you often. I wonder if you're doing okay, if you're happy, if you have someone to keep you company..."

"Is this your way of asking me if I have a man in my life?" She teased, her arm wrapped around him, her hand stroking up and down his back. 

"Is there?" Lindsey raised an eyebrow. He didn't think so, but she had hidden some of her relationships quite well in the past.

"I have no time for romance." Stevie replied.

"You're the most romantic person I know." 

"I channel my romantic side through my work." He'd heard that same excuse a hundred if not more times. "You need to get some sleep, you're talking nonsense." She smiled softly at him.

"Can I lie here, with you, a bit longer?" Lindsey asked, somewhat shyly. 

"A bit longer." Stevie nodded. 

They lay close to each other, eyes locked. Stevie wondered if Lindsey could hear her heart thumping. He caressed her, his hand moving slowly from one part of her body to the next, until his palm settled on her cheek. He lowered his eyes and gently enveloped her bottom lip in between his for just a second, before he pulled back.

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