Part 14

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Lindsey sensed a pair of eyes on him. He was no longer sleeping heavily, but he wasn't fully awake just yet either. The past two days had taken a lot out of him. He was usually an early riser, but when he had to keep up with Stevie's schedule, he didn't want to be up and ready at 6 am anymore.

Feeling that he wasn't going to drift off again, Lindsey opened his eyes and blinked a few times, adjusting to the light in the room. He didn't quite expect Kristen to be so close to him, but he masked his surprise with a lazy smile.

"Good morning."

"Morning." She replied, happy to have her husband in their bed. "I didn't hear you come in last night."

"It was rather late, yeah." Lindsey nodded, rolling onto his back, he stretched. He reached for his phone to check the time and winced. The mild headache didn't bother him too badly, but he could have done with out it. "Christ, it's after 10." Lindsey yawned, he never slept so long. "How come you're in bed?"

"Well, I took the kids to school and came back. Seeing that you were still asleep, I figured, I'd lie down for a bit with you. We haven't really had much time together the past couple of days." Kristen inched herself closer and lay a hand on Lindsey's chest. "Someone else appears to be your main focus right now."

Turning his head, Lindsey touched her cheek with the back of his hand and offered a small smile. "You know that I'm working."

"Yeah..." Kristen sighed and pulled away, she sat up. 

Lindsey didn't want to get himself into and argument with his wife about his ex girlfriend first thing in the morning. What he did want more than anything, was to get the bitter taste of red wine from the night before out of his mouth. And take a painkiller. He wondered if Stevie was up. Probably not.

As if Kristen could read his mind, she said. "Stevie's surprisingly early this morning. We had a cup of coffee together."

Lindsey gulped, that could be very dangerous. There was no denying that all the smiles and laughter were completely fake. In a way, it was a boost to his ego, two beautiful women in a silent war over him. Lindsey quickly shook the thought away.

"Oh, yeah? What did you talk about?" He asked, pulling the covers down. 

"She was interested in how my latest project is going." Interested might be a stretch, Lindsey thought. "I asked if you were behaving in the studio."

Lindsey chuckled nervously. Behaving. Well... Depends on what Kristen meant by that. Was he being nice to Stevie and more patient with her than ever? Yes. Did they down to bottles of wine and made out several times on the couch in the safety of his studio last night? Yes. Had he at some point started undressing her? Also, yes.

"Stevie said, she'll be in her room if you were wondering." Kristen added.

Taking a new pair of jeans and yet another plain V-neck T-shirt, Lindsey went to shower. His clothes from the night before were already in the laundry basket and he hoped, they hadn't picked up Stevie's perfume too intensely. Stepping in under the hot running water, Lindsey just stood there for a minute, his eyes closed. The memories of last night flooded his mind and he sighed. They were playing a dangerous game. They came so very close, but a mutual understanding came over them and they stopped. She blamed it on the wine and he agreed. However, the image of her slightly flushed skin, her hair turned into a mess by his fingers, her heavy breathing, her nearly naked upper body, covered by a gorgeous black lacy bra... Lindsey felt a stirring below the waist and his eyes shot open. He was no longer a teenager, getting himself off to the memory of her. No, he was a grown man. Albeit with the same inability to control himself.

Feeling refreshed, Lindsey got dressed then stopped to inspect his appearance in the mirror. He rubbed his cheek and his chin, wondering if he should forgo shaving. Stevie enjoyed it, Kristen detested it. Lindsey reached for his razor, then put it back again and walked out of the bathroom.

Opening the bedroom door, which Kristen had closed on her way out, Lindsey nearly collided with Stevie, which caused him to jump back, leaving her in a fit of giggles. Breathing heavily, he clutched at his chest and she put a hand on his shoulder, hoping he'd calm down.

"Jeez, Lindsey. I didn't know, I was so frightening." Stevie chuckled, Sulamith under her arm. 

"No, I just didn't expect you to be walking by." Lindsey smiled, his breathing returned to somewhat normal. He didn't think it was necessary to say it out loud, but he was glad that she seemed okay after everything that went on not even 12 hours ago. "I heard, you're turning into an early bird."

"Nope." She shook her head, walking with him towards the staircase. "I had a horrible headache."

"Oh, me too." Lindsey sighed, feeling a sharp twinge returning. 

"This is why I barely drink nowadays." Stevie leaned in closer to whisper. "I mostly smoke."

"Really? Well, then maybe we should exchange the wine for a bit of pot tonight." He winked. Lindsey no longer used it as much, but he did roll himself a joint occasionally, when he knew that a long night awaited him in the studio. 

Kristen turned her head at the sound of their voices, she was almost out the door. Lindsey's arm was wrapped around Stevie's shoulder and she was leaning against him as if it was completely normal behavior. And it may have been if she didn't know of their past. Every look, smile, touch... nothing went unnoticed by her. That's just, how they are, she told herself as if that made it okay.  

"You're going out?" Lindsey asked, interrupting Kristen's thoughts. 

"Uh, yeah. For a little while." She added and quickly turned to leave. She feared, what went on, when Stevie and Lindsey were alone, but she rather didn't know than have to see them together.

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