104 - Maybe, Maybe Not

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Wat's POV

"Did you have a good time?" I asked Tine. "Best date ever? Was it all rainbows and unicorns?"

I had been shamelessly peeking through the window near the front door. I'd watched with growing discomfort as they chatted, at ease with each other.

And then Mil hugged him. My Tine.

And Tine looked delighted.

And Mil was ridiculously awesome. I mean, fuck, even I liked him.

And I was the wretch who couldn't be happy for his best friend.

"Whoa. What's with the Spanish Inquisition re-enactment?" said Tine, as he caught my arm to balance himself.

I shrugged his hand off.

"I'm going home" I snapped and stormed out the front door.

Tine paused, stunned. Then he walked after me. "Wat. Wait up. What happened? Why are you so mad?" he asked, confused.

I squeezed my eyes closed and took a deep, calming breath.

He's done nothing wrong. Don't shut him out, you fucking idiot.

I stopped in my tracks and waited for him to catch up.

He put his hand on my shoulder. The weight and warmth of it almost made me cry for some reason.

It felt like I hadn't seen him or touched him or talked to him in forever. I had been so afraid of losing him that just being near him now made me emotional.

"What's wrong?" said Tine softly, his voice full of concern for me.

"Nothing. Just... Do you... Why didn't you tell me you were going out with Mil?" I asked in a low voice.

"Is that what this is about? He called today morning out of the blue and asked me out. I just thought it was time I finally went on a date.

To be honest, I was relieved my first date ever was with Mil. He's a nice guy, and I didn't feel awkward or scared with him.

And aren't you the one who's always on my case about not seeing anyone and not having "fun"?" said Tine, making air quotes with his fingers.

I nodded miserably.

Mil was exactly the kind of guy Tine should be with.

"So what did you guys do?" I asked, ever the glutton for punishment.

Tine happily recounted his evening with Mil. They'd even gone to Giovanni's.

I had never taken any of my dates there. In my mind, it had always been our place. Tine and mine.

Now it was their place. Tine and Mil's.

I grew more morose and silent as we walked on. I felt sadder by the minute, my legs grew heavier with every step.

"I don't feel very well. Let's head back" I said, abruptly stopping and turning around.

"Wat" said Tine quietly.

"Yeah?" I asked gruffly.

"You do know that just because I'm dating someone, it doesn't mean you become less important to me, right? Because if you think that, you're a bigger idiot than I already think you are" he said, in the same quiet voice.

I sensed something different in his tone. There was an edge to his voice that I hadn't heard before. He spoke with absolute conviction.

And I felt ashamed of my surliness. He could read me like a book and say exactly what I needed to hear.

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