"You just saw me yesterday." She rolls her eyes at him.

"So, that was a whole 24 hours ago." He slumps his shoulders and acts like he's offended.

"No, it was less than 24 actually. And we can hang out later, my parents invited you and Keegs over for dinner."

Micah cups his hands over his mouth and shouts. "Smart ass ALERTTTTT!"

Raynes eyes widen drastically and she doesn't hesitate to clamp her hands over his mouth. "Stop it! You can't yell like that you crazy person!"

"I can do whatever I want sweetheart. Also yes, I'd love to have dinner with your family. Never a dull moment with them. Keegan on the other hand? Boring as hell, uh uh." He looks over at her and she flips him off.

Rayne rolls her eyes for the hundredth time today. "You two stop it. Don't be a jerk Micah, she's the most fun person to be around ever."

This earns a scoff from Micah. "Yea right, Hell will have to freeze over before she's ever not boring."

"Fuck you Micah. That's why you're not shit. And that's why I get to see more of Rayne than you do." She flips him off with both fingers this time.

Rayne can't help but laugh at the fact that she was right. They do see each other more than her and her boyfriend. But that's because Keegan practically lives at her house.

Micah throws his arm over Raynes shoulder and the three make their way to their only shared class together. "First of all, I'm all the shit. You're the one who ain't shit. And you may see more of her, but you don't get to have your tongue down her throat like I do." He smirks.

Rayne glares at him. "Don't say that, it's inappropriate and disrespectful. I'm standing right here." You can tell the comment made her uncomfortable just by her posture and facial expression. She never feels comfortable hearing vulgar things from people.

"I know, I'm sorry babe. Keegan knows I'm just messing though. Same with her. We're best buds isn't that right Keegy Weegy." He wiggles his eyebrows at her.

"Fuck off. I hate that nickname. Next time you call me that I'll cut your dick off and feed it to my Rottweiler." She points an authoritative finger at him.

His eyes widen and his smirk fades. "Chill bro, you know I'm kidding. Don't feed my dick to your demon dog." He puts his hands up in defense.

"That's what I thought." Keegan goes ahead of the two.

Rayne grabs Micahs arm to stop him. "You two cuss so much, you're worse than sailors I swear." She chuckles and shakes her head.

"Eh, who doesn't. Well, besides you obviously." He shrugs.

"Can you be nice though? You're so mean to each other, try to get along just a little better. Please?" She begs with her big, doe, hazel eyes that never fail to get her what she wants from him.

"Ugh fine I'll try. Only if she does, and only for you." Rayne smiles at him and he leans down to plant a kiss on her lips.

The gesture makes her feel a little better, but she's still an uptight person. She doesn't really agree with PDA. She's just always been a shy, reserved type of girl. She follows the rules and feels horrible if she accidentally breaks them. That's just who Rayne is, and she won't change for anything.

Later that evening~~

"Micah! So good to see you again honey. I'm glad you came over." Raynes mother, Belinda, wraps Micah in a big hug before he's even completely through the door.

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