While they painted our fingernails, we talked about school and how the kids were doing and a little bit of everything then we paid and went to the tattoo place.

On the way there, I finished the design then showed it to them and they both said they loved it, even after I mentioned that the M sort of made it look like a crown, like what Dads and JDM have.

A/N - imagine that looks a lot better and it's like professional lol

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A/N - imagine that looks a lot better and it's like professional lol.

We went into the tattoo place and showed them then they said they'd get to us as fast as they could but that it wouldn't be too long.

We said okay then sat down and I asked Momette what she did this morning for her workout.

She said, "I did 10 pushups, 30 minutes on the treadmill, some yoga stretches, a few sit-ups, and what I call crab dips where you sit on the floor with your arms touching the ground behind you and then straighten your arms so your butt is off the ground and then lower yourself until your butt's touching the ground then use your triceps to push yourself back up."

Mom and I both said wow then she said, "that sounds challenging."

Momette said, "it is but it's worth it. I can show you guys sometime if you want?"

Mom and I said, "yeah, maybe," and smiled before one of the artists said they were ready for us.

The 3 of us went back and I decided to get the tattoo first. I sat in the chair then the artist cleaned my wrist where we all decided to get it and started on the tattoo.

It stung, especially over the little bones, but overall wasn't too bad, and only took about half an hour.

When I was done, Momette went next and this time the artist had more of an idea of what they were doing so it took about 20 minutes.

Mom's also took about 20 minutes then when they were done, they gave us each some tattoo itch cream and told us how to take care of it and wrap it when we showered then sent us on our way.

When we got to the car, we figured out we were going to go see Voyagers then headed to the theater as Mom bought the tickets on her phone.

At the theater, we ordered a large popcorn for us to share then we each got a soda and a chocolate snack.

We got to the theater at about 1:30 and the movie ended at about 4 then we decided to get something to eat at McDonald's, plus a drink at Starbucks. After our food and drinks, we went to the mall.

The first store I wanted to go to was Hot Topic, as usual. At Hot Topic, I got a bunch of Supernatural, Riverdale, and Walker stuff, plus some funko pops and a few Why Don't We and BTS shirts.

After Hot Topic, we went to Claire's and I got some chokers plus we all got some more jewelry and makeup.

Then, we went to stores like Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, and Aeropostale and got a bunch of shoes and clothes.

By that time, the mall was starting to close so we went to Momette's house to drop her off first and help carry her stuff in.

When we got there, Dads were passed out on the couch with all the kids except JJ and Tom asleep and they were sitting on the floor watching tv.

Mom asked JJ how long they'd been asleep as Momette and I woke them up.

JJ said they'd been asleep for about an hour and that the movie was put on before they fell asleep but after the little ones got out to bed.

Mom said, "okay thank you sweetie. Go to bed guys, please," then kissed JJ's head then she and Tom said goodnight to the rest of us before going to their rooms.

After they were upstairs, Moms scolded Dads for falling asleep and they said sorry then went back to sleep on the couch and the 3 of us decided to turn the night into a sleepover.

We put Momette's stuff away then got a bunch of junk food and took it to her and Dad2's room. After we set everything on the bed, Momette pulled Netflix up and put a movie on that we sorta watched but mainly talked over before all passing out on her bed; I was in the middle cuddled with Mom.

A/N - thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Remember; Always Keep Fighting, Love Yourself First, You Are Not Alone, and You Define You.

Quote of the Week: "If you pull that string one more time I'm gonna kill you." - Sam Winchester

This line is from the episode Hell House (1.17) and is when Sam and Dean are in a little prank wars thing so I thought it was only fitting for this weeks chapter for my Jared fic because it's full of pranks and always thought it was a really funny line, especially because after, Dean still pulled the string.

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