Chapter 19

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***A week after the incident***
It had been a while since Scarlett last spoke to Erik, specially after what she witnessed. Not able to wrap her head around what had happened she kept it to her self for it was not her place to say anything.

It was while she grocery shopped when her back pocket seemed to vibrate, it was an unknown message.

'Please join us for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres to celebrate the Grand Re-opening of the Ritz Carlton Hotel.'
Date: September19th.
time: 6:30pm
location:  4012 Central Florida Pkwy, Orlando, FL 32837, United States
Your [name] and [number]

"Great" muttered Scarlett under her breath for she knew her family wouldn't let her miss the event. Ignoring the message she slipped her phone back into her pocket and made her way through the oh so massive Costco.

***later that evening***
"So are you going" said Ariel at the other end of the line.

"Honestly.. I don't want to but I know for a fact mom won't let me skip it" replied Scarlett as she popped all her groceries into her kitchen cabinets.

"Well I don't get it? Why don't you wanna go?? It'll be fun! And who knows maybe you'll meet someone" said Ariel trying to lift her sister's spirits.

Scarlett shook her head to her sister's comment for she could just imagine Ariel wiggling her eyebrows whilst saying so. "You know I don't need a 'someone' to have excitement in my life you know" said Scarlett.

"Well who said your life wasn't exciting.. I mean those are your words" replied Ariel in a playful manner.

"Don't twist my words?!? You know what I mean." Said Scarlett as she got playfully annoyed.

"Come on, hanging out with some shitty rich folks.. it'll be fun" stated Ariel in a more practical manner,
"Just make sure you leave before mom decides to drink up all her sorrows"

The two chucked away for it was clear as day that there mother had a drinking problem but then again at-least she wasn't one of those crazy drunks.

***The day of the opening***
Jamie had come over to Scarlett for one needed a second party's opinion on what to wear and not to mention Scarlett just needed a friend by her side.

"So you and Hollywood huh" said Jamie as she plopped onto Scarlett's love sack, in her hands a bucket of fried chicken.

"Oh my God! No!" Laughed out Scarlett, "that's not gonna happen in a million years" she continued before going to garb a piece of the fried chicken yet only to have her hand slapped away.

"What?!??" Said Scarlett
"Gurl you can't have no fried chicken before you get ready"said Jamie hysterically.

"Why??" Asked Scarlett

"BeCaUsE you FuCkIN Bloat?!?!bitch" said Jamie makin her point clear as day.

"Ahhhh I don't care??? Lemme have one" said Scarlett as she reached in to grab a piece once again.
Yet again her hand getting slapped away.

"Bitch?!? The fuk you not understanding?!?" Said Jamie out loud as she legitimately hugged her bucket of fried chicken.

Scarlett shook her head to  turn around towards her closet "okay so what do I wear???" She asked Jamie

The two struggled to find a fancy yet elegant looking dress for Scarlett didn't really own anything 'hot'
as Jamie stated hence the bestie had to take stuff in her own hands. The two drove to Jamie's place for she had the perfect outfit for Scarlett.

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