Chapter 1

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Felicity's POV

"Hurry up kids, we're going to late for our flight!"
Felicity screamed at the top of her lungs as she gave a quick peck goodbye to her husband James,
"I can't believe your not coming with us" she said gloomily.

"Well someone has to pay the bills now" replied James with a chuckle, " anyway it's just two months, maybe it'll do you well without me" smirked James which followed by a playful punch from Felicity as they hugged goodbye.


"We're here, we're here" yelled out her two monkeys,

"Well it's about time, say good bye to your father now" said Felicity as she made her way out the garage, towards the Uber ( a black Sedan) that awaited.

"Bye daddy! We'll miss you:)" said 16 year old  Scarlett as she hugged her father, followed by her 12 year old brother Mike. His eyes glued to his nintendo switch as he says his good byes.

"Come on bud, now that's not way to say good bye" says James as he takes the Nintendo out of his preteen son's hand to give him a tight hug, "I'm gonna miss ma little man"

"I'll miss you too,  dad" replied Mike taking back his Nintendo

As they made there way towards the Uber that awaited, there father James stood by the open garage door waving good bye.

"Don't forget to give your sister my love at collage" shouted out James and the kids drove away, smiling for he knew this was a well deserved break for them all.

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