Chapter 7

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It was the day of the white party, everyone was as busy as bees. For this was a charity event celebrated every year in honour of a charitable cause. This years cause was the 'Thirst project'
This project works with the support of the young people to END the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water. It was a movement and the Menendez were stakeholders, just as they were for many other movements.

"MOM?? Where are my flats?! I can't seem to find them anywhere" shouted out Scarlett historically since there wasn't much time left till the party/Charity.

"Sweetie just wear heels" replied Felicity as she walked in from the other end of the room, whilst on her phone.
"But mom" said Scarlett
"I'm on the phone"replied Felicity sternly as she pointed towards the phone up against her ear.


"Do we seriously have to wear everything white?" Asked Mike as he walked out of the bathroom dressed in white pants and white V-neck T-shirt. (Imagine something like what Nate wore in gossip girl in that white party episode)

"I look stupid"stated Mike as he walked out, followed by giggles from Scarlett.

"No.." continued Scarlett as she rumbled through her stuff "just throw something on top so u don't look like you lost ur clothes or something " said Scarlett

"Ha ha I ain't throwing on anything on top, it's way too hot for that" continued Mike as he made his way back to the bathroom.

"Are you seriously still looking for those stupid flats honey" asked Felicity as she got off her phone and saw her 16 year old rumbling through her suitcases.

"Yes.. I just don't wanna wear heels" replied Scarlett as she sat on the cool marble tiled floors.

"Fine, look around but don't make a mess" said Felicity as she went back on to her phone. Even though she seemed to be on vacation with her kids felicity just could never put work aside.

***Erik's POV***
"Guess people are starting to show up huh" said Brad as Erik did his stretches to prepare for the matches he was to play today.
"I'm telling you kid you'll be just fine playing up against all these amateurs" said Brad trying to reassure Erik.

"You do realise that these so called amateurs have been training there whole lives right" replied Erik to Brad's statement.

"Yeah but so have you" continued Brad

"I guess.. but let's not forget what these stupid events actually are for" said Erik in a low voice.

"What?" Stated Brad for he didn't hear Erik's muffled reply.
"Nothing" replied Erik as he followed to stretch.

You see these charity events aren't always what they seem, they're put up by the rich and famous just to show that they so call 'care' about what goes around in the world whilst what the truly cared about is taken care of along the side lines. 'Money' in particular. Take an example of those polo games, the money is set upon the horses and as the best horse might win so do those who bet upon in hence one of today's horses was 'Erik'

***few hours later***
"Oh my god you look fabulous" stated kitty as Felicity entered the outdoor event, the two planted a kiss on each cheek, "as do you kits" replied Felicity.

"Come on I'll introduce you to everyone" said kitty as she pulled Felicity away leaving Scarlett and Mike to them selves.
"I'm gonna go check out the food" said Mike as he made his way past people leaving Scarlett behind.
Scarlett wore a a knee length white dress with ruffles and a button front, puff sleeves. A Bardot dress in other words along with a pair of white Roman sandals.
"Great... who am I suppose to talk to now" said Scarlett to her self as she stood amongst several others, who she did not know.

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