Chapter 10

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***authors Note***
Hey guys! Okay so just wanted to say something and that being that this is the last chapter taking place in the following settings for I'm planning on doing a time jump kinda thing so.. yeah that's it :). Hope you guys enjoy!

***Weeks later***
"It's a family dinner and we're all invited, hence we have to go" said Felicity to her preteen son who argued otherwise.

"C'mon, I thought you liked the Menendez" stated Scarlett exiting the bathroom in a plaid (mid thigh length) dress.

"I do.. but I'd rather hang with kids my age.. like ur friend Julies kids, Aidan and Jude" said Mike as he looked over to his mom with puppy dog eyes.

"We're going and I'm not changing my mind" said Felicity sternly as she picked up her vibrating cell phone. "After all aunt Julie didn't invite us for a going away dinner, the Menendez family did and that's awfully nice of aunt kitty" stated felicity as she left the room.

"Hey, it'll be fun" Scarlett reassured her younger brother with a smile.
"Yeah, for you." Said Mike as he pushed past his sister whilst heading towards the bathroom.

(A photo for reference ^ in regards to what Scarlett wore)

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(A photo for reference ^ in regards to what Scarlett wore)

The three got ready as it was there last day in California, school was to begin in a week and that meant back to work for Felicity. The Menendez family had invited the Hastings one last time before they were to departure for there home sweet home, Orlando, Florida.

***At dinner***
"Oh come on in" said Kitty as her guests entered her home, a glass of Rose held up high as she went in for a hug.
"Kitty, don't tell me ur drunk" said Felicity as she pulled away from the hug to get a better look at her friend. " shhhh.. nooo well maybe a little bit" Kitty continued with a toothy/cheeky smile.

The families sat in the den, all chattered away. Lyle and Ariel also joined the bunch for it was a dinner goodbye.
"Wait! You Got the PS5?!?!" Mike shouted at the top of his lungs as Erik informed him, "could I play?!?!?!!!" Begged Mike.

 "Wait! You Got the PS5?!?!" Mike shouted at the top of his lungs as Erik informed him, "could I play?!?!?!!!" Begged Mike

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Whilst the children sat and chatted Kitty along with Felicity spent there time out on the patio enjoying a smoke.
"It smelt like a restaurant outside" said a heavy voice, catching everyone's attention. It was Jose, he'd just returned home from work. He looked cheery.. unlike his usual persona. "How're ma boys doing" he stated as he approached the den, where all the teens gathered.

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