Chapter 3

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**** The next morning ****
(11am in the morning)

"Mike get outta bed already, we're going to be late" said Scarlett as she hurried into the bathroom with a plastic ziplock within her hands, containing all her toiletries.

It was finally Saturday, the day Scarlett had awaited for so long, a day out with her sister who she missed terribly over the past six months.
Finally all dressed and ready to leave exited Scarlett from the bathroom in her faded black mom jeans and a plain white collared top, along with a pair of white sneakers.

"Get up already?!?" Shouted Scarlett for her brother still lay in the same position she left him in, the only thing that changed was that now he had his eyes glued on his Nintendo switch.

"Alright alright.. God your acting as if Ariel is actually going to be on time to meet us" replied Mike as he plopped out of bed and made his way lazily towards the bathroom.

"Are y'all ready yet" asked Felicity as she entered the kids room in four inch heels and a black sheath dress.

"Yup! we are" replied Scarlett as her brother approached her,
"Where are we meeting Ariel? She didn't mention anything about a location on our family group chat" asked Mike as he slipped on his old skool Vans.

"We're meeting her at a Starbucks close to her apartment so I guess we should get going" replied Felicity as she looked over to her watch.

***** At Starbucks*****
"When's she going reach?" Asked Scarlett anxiously while her brother sat besides her looking at the menu up on the wall.

"I think I'll get a muffin.. and some of that apple pie they have!" Said Mike with much enthusiasm, "along with some iced coffee?"

"Sure, honey" replied Felicity with a smile which did not last long, her phone buzzed away taking up all her attention. She'd taken these next two months strictly off from work but knowing work, you can't ever leave it. She was a partner at a law firm, (Gulati law) a real estate attorney.

"I'm here I'm here!!" a loud yet soft voice came from the right, it was Ariel. "I'm so so sorry I'm late, I slept in and not to mention It totally slipped my mind we had brunch!" As usual Ariel was late but that wasn't a problem because it didn't matter, as long as the Hasting were together, everything was perfect.

"I see you dyed your hair again" stated Scarlett for her sister's dark brown hair were now a light pastel blue. The siblings chatted away, talking about everything and anything. From Mikes new favourite update on fortnite to Scarlett's trashy SAT score of an 1100 (which surely had not settled well with there father)
Along they chatter till there hearts desired and how could one forget mom and her constant photos. Felicity took over a hundred photos of her kids while at lunch.

"God it's like 2pm.. I seriously am so sorry, I have work" said Ariel with a forced smile plaster over her face, "we'll make another plan or something I promise"

"What? Come on.. just skip it today or something " said Scarlett and Mike for they missed hanging out with there sister.

"Come on guys, we'll make another plan. Ariel just let us know when you're not busy with your summer classes alright" said Felicity as she got up to hug and kiss good bye her eldest.

***In the car***
"Man I wish Ariel didn't have work" said Mike along with a sigh. "I agree" stated Scarlett.

"Oh come on, you guys don't be all bummed out I'm sure we'll make more plans since we are spending your whole summer break here in LA. We'll meet Ariel so much that you'll probably want me to take you guys back to Florida" stated felicity with a laugh.

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