Chapter 4

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Scarlett made her way into the kitchen, looking around for a glass of water for she would've asked Dorothy but she was no where to be found in the massive house.  Fiddling her way through the cabinets she was before a soft grunt/ clearing one's throat caught her ear.

"Do You need any help?" Said Erik, he stood tall at around 5'11 which was considerably not as tall as Scarlett. She stood about 5'9.

"Yeaaa.. I didn't mean to like go through you guys's stuff, just looking for-" replied Scarlett before being cut off by Erik
"A glass? Yeah it gets confusing around here"
said Erik as he pulled out a tumbler from one of the wooden cabinets.
"Hence Dorothy" continue Erik with a slight smirk as he handed the glass over to Scarlett.

"So you guys are visiting from Florida?" Asked Erik as he leaned over the counter looking at Scarlett. His eyes were green, unlike Scarlett's who's were a light brown. They almost seemed like they were heavy, tired as some might put it.

"Yeah, Orlando" replied Scarlett with a soft smile while holding her glass of water.

"GUYSSS!! I'm KILLING THIS DUDE ON COD?!?" Shouted Mike from the other end of the room, followed by gun shots being projected from the speakers as he played.

The three sat together in the family room, Mike lost in the world of call of duty while Scarlett and Erik talked. Erik was a year older then Scarlett hence was to be a junior in high-school. They spoke about there studies and stuff they had it common, which surprisingly wasn't much.

Erik was a dream. Perfect grades, an awesome sports man and not to mention shy yet good looking too?while Scarlett was somewhat the complete opposite, she enjoyed running for she was a part of the track team back home and was quite outspoken on some occasions. She enjoyed new things unlike him.. though somehow the two got along.

"Dude what's going on?!?" Asked Mike historically for the the television screen went completely blank as he played his games.

"Yeahhh that's my dad" spoke Erik getting up from his seat, "he doesn't let my brother and I player longer then an hour of video games, he says it's a waste of time and that one should rather do something productive" continued Erik as he stood up to stretch his legs. "If you want I can show you around the neighbourhood?" Asked Erik

"The neighbourhood?!? Bro you gotta show me around this massive mansion you got!" Said Mike getting up from the couch. Scarlett shaking her head in disbelief of her brother and his obsession with big houses, whilst keeping her eyes glued to her phone.

"You wanna join" asked Erik looking towards Scarlett.

"Yeah, sure" replied Scarlett putting her phone aside.

Alright so Erik took em all around the house, from the family room to the 'den' where Mike tried to play pool yet successfully failed as always, followed up the staircase to a massive balcony, which had a beautiful view of the Beverly Hills and not too far you could see the hotel Mike and Scarlett were staying in.

"Hey we can see our hotel from here" pointed out Scarlett.

"Yeah.. dad wanted it built particularly there so he could look at it from our balcony" said Erik emotionlessly.

"Wait ? Dad? Your dad owns Astoria Beverly Hills?" Asked Mike in disbelief.

"Yeahh he's in real estate and a Broker too.. it's complicated" said Erik shaking his head. "Come on I'll show you guys the gym and court" said Erik as he made us way and the two siblings followed.

***at the Gym***
Surprisingly enough the three got lost doing god knows what at the gym, Erik helped Mike pick up a pair of dumbbells or two for Mike dreamt of being a body builder ever since he could remember.

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