jimin forced out a smile and placed the tray on the table.

"just two mugs?" taehyung asks.

jimin nodded. "i will stay in the bedroom. uhm, nice to meet you again, chungha." he said before walking towards the room.

chungha chuckles and carried the mug of hot choco while taehyung frowns. he wants jimin to stay.

"he's really cute and sweet. you're so lucky." chungha blows on the chocolate to make it warm.

"i know. he's the cutest boy that i have ever laid my eyes on. i love him a lot." taehyung responds.

meanwhile, jimin was sniffling on the bed. he was hugging a bolster and staring at taehyung's pillow.

he feels out of place. even if he wants to join their conversation, he wouldn't understand a word.

"i-i miss taehyung.." he sadly mumbles, remembering how taehyung cuddles him a lot.

they're supposed to be cuddling today but chungha came and stole taehyung's attention from him.

"no, jimin. don't think that way. she's nice and you're not like this." he scolded himself.

few minutes later, taehyung came inside the bedroom to change his clothes. the room is dark so he couldn't see jimin's puffy face from crying.

"jimin, chungha will stay here with us for three days before she comes back to canada. that's fine to you, right?" taehyung asks.

jimin frowns and nodded. he didn't have a choice anyways.

"great! now, i willㅡ"

"what's your relationship with her?" jimin suddenly asks.

taehyung looks at him with one brow raised. "she's my childhood friend."

jimin gulped as he heard that. he nodded his head instead and snnugles more to the pillows.

t-they're childhood friends. it's impossible if one of them didn't fall in love. he thought.

taehyung noticed jimin's behavior and he sighs. he laid down behind the boy and backhugs him. "are you okay? you're not like this."

jimin nodded, trying his best to silence the sound of his sniffles. "i-i'm fine."

"don't lie, baby. tell me what's wrong." the red haired male says.

should he really tell taehyung the truth? that he's jealous of chungha? and that taehyung's attention right now is only on her?

is he even really jealous?

jimin sighs and slowly faced him. he decided that he will just tell taehyung the truth.

"i-it's just s-shㅡ"

"tae! can you help me with something if it's alright?!" chungha shouted from downstairs.

"wait for me!" taehyung shouted back and stood up.

"sorry baby. i'll come back later." he said before running off downstairs.

the pink haired male only sniffles and lets out a quiet sob. he hugs the pillow tightly and buried his face on it, crying.

they're now in the dining table and having their dinner.

as usual, taehyung and jimin sat beside each other while chungha is in front of them.

"since when did you became a good cook?" chungha chuckles.

"it's been few months now since i started cooking." taehyung chuckles as well.

jimin only poked his food then taking a tiny bite on it. he doesn't have appetite right now.

"how's uncle junhyung's mafia? doing good?" she asks.

taehyung nodded and sips water. "mhm. he's been great as always. and oh, do you remember that boy who stole dad's money?"

"yes yes, that boy. but i don't remember his name. only his face."

"he's actually our friends now and he came back to the group. his name is jung wooyoung. dad forgave him."

chungha's eyes widened at what she heard. "really?! how did uncle forgave him?"

"i don't know. i just found out about it from dad." taehyung grinned and shrugs.

meanwhile, jimin is only listening to them. he admits he really feels jealous.

"by the way, you're still really handsome." chungha said.

taehyung laughs and nodded. "of course. i will forever be." he said.

"you're still beautiful too."

and then, both of them laughed.

jimin pouted at that and drinks his milk instead.

i am pretty too. why don't you compliment me? he thought.

"ah, wait. my husband is calling." chungha said and went somewhere quiet with her phone.

jimin's eyes widened at that. he can't believe it. he's jealous of her even she have a husband already.

i'm so dumb. he sighs loudly.

that did go unheard by taehyung whose now eyes are on him. "you okay?"

jimin smiles widely at him and nodded. he's now finally happy. "yes! i'm okay."

taehyung smiles and ruffled the boy's pink locks. he missed seeing that adorable smile.

chungha came back after and giggles. "my husband said he miss me already that he wants me to come back right now."

taehyung chuckles at that. "maybe you should fly now but you don't have wings."

"y-you have a husband? really?" jimin asks.

she looks at the boy and nodded. "yes. we're married for 3 years already."

"oh.." jimin smiles and nodded.

"why? you didn't know?" chungha gasps.

the boy nodded again and continues eating.

"taehyung didn't told you?! goddamn kim taehyung. you made your husband jealous!" she stood up to smack taehyung's arm.

jimin's eyes widened. she knew that they're married. taehyung told her.

taehyung hissed at that but just lets her. "i forgot, okay? but jimin got jealous?"

their eyes are now on jimin's.

the small boy's cheeks turns red and he slowly nodded his head. "y-you two are so happy together that taehyung forgot about me."

chungha gasps again and smacks taehyung once again. "you! you better make it up with him later!" she shouted.

jimin giggles as he watches them. they're really funny together.

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